"Betta Fish Care Guide"," Males are the ones you see with the long fins and striking color patterns, while females are a little more drab and without the impressive finnage.
This has led to them being not only popular, but over-bred by commercial breeders.
In nature, even the males aren't that impressive looking, but breeding has brought forth the popular color varieties seen in the hobby today.
Purchasing your Betta
When selecting a Betta from the store, your first instinct will be to select one that has the brightest colors, but there are other factors to consider.
healthy Betta should be bright in color and have perfect fins that show no signs of degeneration.
Have any of the Bettas available at that particular pet shop been sick? You may also want to ask to see the Betta of your choice eat some food.
If you can find a private breeder, the color varieties that can be found are much more impressive than seen in most stores.
Setting up a Betta tank
While Bettas are sold in small plastic cups, they really should be kept in an aquarium of around five to ten gallons in size.
They are very slow-moving fish that don't swim around a lot, which is why they don't require a lot of space.
"Betta Bowls" are often available for sale, and do make good homes for Betta fish, but a standard glass aquarium may better provide an opportunity to use a small filter and heater, which we will get into later.
There's always a wide variety of different artificial caves and different decorations available in pet shops; be sure, however, that everything placed in the aquarium will not affect water conditions.
Anything placed in the
Betta tank should be specifically intended for aquarium use.
A very small Aquaclear or equivalent power filter on its lowest flow setting will do the job.
As such, Betta tanks should only have minimul water movement, and the flow of the filter will be enough to keep the water oxygenated.
A small heater of 50 watts is recommended as well, as the water temperature should be kept around 75 degrees fahrenheit or so.
Because Bettas can be shy, they appreciate floating plants, which can be purchased at most local fish shops.
Generally speaking, dimmer lighting makes for more calm and less stressed out fish.
Keep the tank's light on for eight or less hours per day.
Water conditions are another important factor for your Betta's health.
5 and 7.
Check your tap water's pH value to know exactly what you're putting into your aquarium, and adjust as necessary.
A product such as "proper pH 7. 0 (also known as a ""neutral"" pH) for you without the danger of adjusting too high or too low.
You will also need to use a chlorine neutralizer to eliminate the chlorine dangers commonly found in tap water.
This is important as it gives you time to get everything set up properly and have a home ready for your new pet right away.
Important: Do not simply dump the fish from the bag directly into the aquarium without acclimating it first.
This will ensure that the water temperature that the fish is in will become the same as what is in the aquarium.
Every twenty minutes, add more water to the bag.
If the bag becomes too full, simply dump some out.
Let the
Betta swim out at its own leasure and then dispose of the bag.
There are many types of tropical fish flakes as well as small ""Betta pellets"" that should provide all the required nutrients for the fish to thrive and show its full colors.
Important: Do not over-feed your Betta.
Yes, feeding is the main interaction you will have with your new pet, but over-feeding leads to uneaten food rotting and spoiling the water.
Betta tankmates
Bettas are really best kept in species-only aquariums.
They can also be territorial towards other slow-moving fish with long fins such as guppies, angelfish or gouramis.
Small catfish such as Corydoras should be fine and will actually help eat any food that sinks to the bottom.
To keep your Siamese Fighting Fish healthy you will have to perform regular water changes of about twenty percent of the total tank water capacity, and this should be carried out every week to ten days.
You should always be sure to not just ""top up"" the water, but actually take out some of the old water and replace it with new water.
If cleaning any decorations, be sure not to use any soap.
With regular tank maintenance and avoiding over-feeding, your Betta is sure to live a full and happy life.