Saturday, 14 April 2012

Starting A Tropical Saltwater Aquarium - List Of Things You Need

"Starting A Tropical Saltwater Aquarium - List Of Things You Need"," This is going to be an important decision because you are going to have to look at it everyday.
 The smart thing to do is write a list of the type of things you want for the , what you are going to need and the options for each.
 The size of the aquarium for the tropical saltwater fish is going to depend a lot on where you are going to put it.
 An aquarium that is going in the home usually goes for the smaller end.
 One thing you are going to have to choose is if you want a background.
 You need to decide this first because you have to install the background before you put the water in.
 This could be a number of things from gravel to sand to coral.

The heater and filter are very important to the tank.
 Both of these pieces of equipment have to be large enough to operate the tank.
 Talk to any pet shop employees and do some research to find out what filter is going to work best for a tropical saltwater aquarium.
 Tropical fish need warm water and the only way to provide it is with the heater.

When purchasing items for a tropical saltwater fish tank, the most obvious thing you are going to need is saltwater mix.
 To monitor water conditions, purchase test kits.
 They are all equally important.

These are the most important items you are going to need, but there are other incidentals for your tropical saltwater aquarium.

Without a doubt while at the pet shop you are going to find many other goodies for your new tropical saltwater aquarium.
 By the way, don't forget the fish.


Aquacultured Live Rocks - Saltwater Aquarium

"Aquacultured Live Rocks - Saltwater Aquarium"," Including aqaucultured live rocks in your saltwater aquarium will not only improve the ascetics and natural look of your habitat, but they also improve your water quality.
 The marine life contained within the live rocks filter many pollutants out of the water and help to keep nitrate levels in check.

Algae: There are many different kinds of algae that one may find.
 Algae also provide a saltwater aquarium with natural nitrate removal.
 They come in a number of different shapes, sizes and colors.

Coral: Live rocks may be covered with many different species of corals which all coexist on one rock.
 These filter feeders survive on plankton and other forms of microscopic food.

Crustaceans: Crustaceans come in many different forms, some of which are not welcomed guests in a home aquarium environment.
 These invertebrates act as a cleaning agent within a saltwater aquarium and can remove excess food and unwanted algae from aquacultured live rocks.
 These bottom dwellers scavenge and eat much of the leftovers which make it to your aquarium floor.
 These unique creatures will add a lot of life to a saltwater aquarium.
 They are also known as sea fans.

Mollusk: Most of us know mollusks as clams, muscles, oysters and the like.

Snails: Sea snails do a wonderful job of cleaning up unwanted algae in a saltwater aquarium.

Sponges: Your rock may come with a sea sponge.
 They require a great deal of nutrients which they can find in a natural environment because of consistent nutrition circulation.
 They come in a number of different shapes, sizes, and colors and need a good amount of nutrients to be maintained.


Tips For a Successful Fish Only Saltwater Aquarium That Your Saltwater Fish Will Thrive In

"Tips For a Successful Fish Only Saltwater Aquarium That Your Saltwater Fish Will Thrive In"," But even with just fish you still need to set it up right to avoid potential problems down the road.

Tips To a Great Fish-Only Saltwater Aquarium Setup

Pick Your Fish- Decide the types of saltwater fish you want to keep before you decide on your tank size.

The Tank Itself- Get The biggest tank that will fit in your home and that you can afford for the fish you are interested in.
 This is important because temperature swings are a big contributor to saltwater fish disease and stress.
 Many new saltwater tank owners often buy the most inexpensive filters for their fish-only saltwater aquariums in hope to save money.

Maintenance- Stay vigilant on the care and maintenance tasks that need to be preformed on saltwater tanks.



Saltwater Aquariums And The Challenge To Maintain Them

"Saltwater Aquariums And The Challenge To Maintain Them"," This is due to saltwater aquariums supporting a more complex ecosystem, which need more patience and expertise to master.

Some saltwater aquariums need separate provisions for lighting, hood and stand.
 Many of the most popular saltwater aquariums will have a capacity ranging from 30 gallons up to 60 gallons.

However, it is wise to keep in mind that the smaller tanks tend to require more maintenance and care.

One of the key factors in the maintaining of a saltwater aquarium is the necessity to ensure the proper environmental conditions.
 Other points to monitor include the PH level, alkalinity and the oxygen levels.

It is advisable to add living rock into your saltwater aquarium.
 Detrivores feed on any biological waste thus maintaining the necessary ecological balance.
 Bristle worms also act as scavengers and are totally harmless.
 With the development in new filters it is gradually becoming easier to maintain salt water aquariums.
 Hang-on filters are able to assist in the chemical and mechanical filtration whereas refugium helps in biological filtration.
 It is advisable to have some sort of experience before setting one up.


Tips in Setting-Up a Saltwater Aquarium

"Tips in Setting-Up a Saltwater Aquarium"," These aquariums can hold fish, amphibians, invertebrates, aquatic plants, and marine mammals.
 A saltwater aquarium is harder to maintain because marine fishes and other saltwater life are more delicate to maintain.

A saltwater aquarium is more appealing, colorful, and beautiful.
 You can also keep several colored reef fishes for a more natural effect.
 Several popular saltwater aquarium fishes include the angelfish, comical blenny, blue lined triggerfish, damsels, and the clown fish.
 Water from these saltwater aquariums tend to evaporate and leaves behind only the salt.

There are two types of hydrometers used by aquarists.
 The other one comes with a tube and a separate needle around 3/8 inches in diameter.
 It is placed inside a narrow plastic container.
 This is right onto the graduation marked on the container and stopping at the relevant SG.
 Then, clean your tank with 1 teaspoon of pure bleach for every 5 gallons of water.
 Rinse them with clean water.
 Follow the manufacturer's instructions carefully.
 Then, put the plants inside, securing the bottoms in the substrate.

Using your hydrometer, add some salt.
 Start your filter system.
 Most of the marine fishes are healthy in 70 and 80 degrees.
 Then add the fish you bought in the pet shop when the tank temperature is within the limits and the chemical levels are all sanctioned.
 it is very necessary to marine fishes.
 Make sure you do not buy the big one because it can cause a whirlpool effect.
 This is also important for your marine tank.
 You will also need an external air pump and water pump for your skimmer.


Types of Aquarium Filters - Examining Saltwater Aquarium Filtration Systems

"Types of Aquarium Filters - Examining Saltwater Aquarium Filtration Systems"," An undersized aquarium filter can lead to alot of problems including algae, sick fish and constant problems in the tank.

Types Of Saltwater Aquarium Filtration You Can Use

Hang On Tank- This type of filter hangs on the back of saltwater tanks and uses filter pads to remove debris from the water.
 These filters offer lower flow and there fore should be used on saltwater aquariums nor more then 35 gallons in volume.
 It is basically a pressurized canister that water is forced through and cleaned.
 They come in many sizes and can be used on saltwater tanks up to 180 gallons.

Sump Type Filters-  Often referred to as wet dry filters this is the most expensive and also the most advanced type of saltwater aquarium filtration systems that you can use.
 The filter resembles another aquarium but often has areas for biological filtration, chemical filtration and other equipment like heaters and protein skimmers.
 this type of filtration system can be used on any size tank and is often found on large custom saltwater aquariums.


Critical Saltwater Aquarium Advice For Keeping Successful Saltwater Fish Aquariums

"Critical Saltwater Aquarium Advice For Keeping Successful Saltwater Fish Aquariums"," But there are a few common things that new tank owners do wrong  to make matters worse.
  The new marine aquarium has a process in place that will naturally make you slow down, this is called the nitrogen cycle.

After adding your first new saltwater fish you must not give into temptation and add to many fish at one time.
 Instead wait about 3 weeks between each fish and you should be safe.
 This adds a lot of stress to the lives of your saltwater fish and can lead to disease or stress related death.

Stick With Easy Fish

Some good saltwater aquarium advice for keepers of new marine aquariums is to try and stick with the easier and more hardy marine species.

A good saltwater aquarium guide should be able to help you with a list of suitable beginner fish for new saltwater fish aquariums.



A Sprinkle of Salty Fun in Saltwater Aquarium

"A Sprinkle of Salty Fun in Saltwater Aquarium","

Setting up one requires some equipment to be used for the success of your saltwater aquarium.
 Some decorations can be added such as sand and gravels, which sometimes varies in different colors.
 Light is also essential in saltwater aquarium for the enhancement of the color of the aquarium and especially the fishes survival.
 One is the Biological filtration, which involves the removal of the bacteria, which is often created by the fish on its activities, and processes that it undergoes inside the tank.
 Third, is the mechanical filtration, which deals more with the removal of the visible materials floating on the aquarium such as uneaten fish foods, wastes of the fishes and other squanders floating or at the bottom of the saltwater aquarium, and this job is commonly done by the net.
 One very good example is mixing saltwater.
 A hydrometer may help you track the salinity of the water and add some salt to get the right salinity content of the water.
 You can just put fish only in the aquarium, or fish with full reef ambience, or whatever design you want, as long as it you make sure that the fish inside the aquarium would be able to survive.
 If the location of your saltwater aquarium is always struck by sunlight, it may result to changes on the temperature of the water on the tank and would produce more algae due to the sun and its UV rays, which may harm your fish inside the aquarium.


What Are the Steps to Buying a Saltwater Aquarium?

"What Are the Steps to Buying a Saltwater Aquarium?"," It is also a great hobby and a wise way to spend one's free time.
 For saltwater lovers, here we provide three easy steps to follow:

Choose your system:

Saltwater tanks come in many types such as fish only (FO), fish only with live rocks (FOWLR) and tanks with corals and other invertebrates only (Reef aquarium).
 Find a place that is close to an electrical output but away from sunlight and decide the fishes depending on tank setup (or vice versa).
 Typically for saltwater tank, one needs live sands, live rocks, and live algae, cleaning materials (pure bleach, not detergent) and the saltwater itself.
 And the most important part here should be a filter.
 If more than one is possible, there should be chemical and mechanical type marine fish tank filter.
 Shopping is made easy on the web! There is no chance of running out of options, no need for a thorough research of what is available where and no need to waste the whole of your only holiday to buy saltwater aquarium filter.

Think of amazon.
 For a sign up process, all you need is an email address and your account will be created.
 The product will be shipped to you as soon as possible.
 Even refilling of supplies is easy.


Secrets About Saltwater Aquariums You Need to Know

" Secrets About Saltwater Aquariums You Need to Know"," It is such a pleasure watching the cluster duster, sea grape, or the various kinds of corals growing in front of your eyes.
 Wherever kept, it would only add beauty to the surroundings.
 Going by the following  secrets about the saltwater aquarium will help you set and maintain them better

Saltwater aquarium equipment:

It is the size of the aquarium that you need to decide first.
 The greater the surface area the better for the marine life.
 It is always best to consult a few pro's before you build one for yourself.
 Getting the correct saltwater aquarium supplies is very vital in this case.
 So checking all conditions while setting up is very vital.
 However, try not to go wrong as that might add on to your problems after you have added the fishes and corals.
 Use a thermometer to maintain the perfect temperature.
 Careful examination of the chemical levels in the salt water is necessary, before you decide to put the fishes in it.
 The fish selection may range from- Angelfish, Batfish, Jawfish, Eels, Dragonets, Jack to Sharks and Rays etc buying fishes is the first part getting hold of other organisms like Corals, Crabs.
 Once you are done setting up the aquarium, decorating it carefully is your next time.

Ecological balance:

Maintain the perfect ecological balance by keeping in mind the food habits and nutrition you give the fishes.
 Clearly distinguish the carnivorous and herbivorous organisms by deciding on their food from before hand.
 Keep in touch with the fishes and other organisms every day to check if they are suffering from any illness of not.
 You need a vet at that point.
 It is much more than just ensuring your marine reef tank supplies.


Friday, 13 April 2012

An Introduction to the Saltwater Aquarium - Part 1

"An Introduction to the Saltwater Aquarium - Part 1"," It is however uncommon for beginner aquarists to even wish to start out with a saltwater aquarium instead of a freshwater aquarium. The film ""Finding Nemo"" did however cause a saltwater boom, since a lot of people who saw the film wanted to keep a ""Nemo fish"", i. a marine clownfish. If you are a comparatively inexperienced aquarist, you can still become a highly successful saltwater aquarist if you are prepared to spend a lot of time and energy on learning how a saltwater aquarium really works. Do not hesitate to contact a saltwater aquarium club or a forum online and ask for advice and guidelines. One of the reasons why saltwater aquariums are more difficult to maintain than freshwater aquariums is that marine species tend to be much less tolerant to organic waste products and other forms of pollution. Marine creatures are therefore not used to high levels of soluble waste and do not know how to cope. Generally speaking, it is however much easier to find sturdy freshwater species since freshwater fish can live in small lakes and even puddles where the levels of organic waste can reach very high levels. In a smaller body of water, the temperature can for instance shift rapidly. Trying to keep the environment in a freshwater aquarium as stable as possible is therefore good training if you plan on setting up a saltwater aquarium in the future. This is however not only a problem, it is also a possibility. . LEARN MORE CLICK HERE  

Guide to Saltwater Aquariums - Are You Prepared to Be a Fish Parent?

"Guide to Saltwater Aquariums - Are You Prepared to Be a Fish Parent?"," There are so many aquarium supplies that you can choose from and you can create a unique marine environment for saltwater fishes. For instance, you need to choose the fishes for your aquarium. First timers should start with a small size aquarium like that of a 10-gallons fish tank. You will have to prepare the various aquarium supplies. Some of the things that you will need are aquarium hood, filter, testing kits, lighting, pump, and other vital equipments. Its natural if you find it difficult to maintain an aquarium at first but as time go by, you will surely develop a routine which will make it easier for you to take care of the fishes. The water you put inside it should be conditioned and all the aquarium supplies should be clean. You see, cleanliness is a very important factor in order for the fishes to thrive in the aquarium. Find an established pet store or aquarium shop in your area. Make sure that you get all the necessary supplies and equipments from reputable sellers and suppliers, and possibly a guide to saltwater aquariums. Try to learn as much information as a guide to saltwater aquariums so that you will know what to do if your fishes get sick or when there are other emergency situations in your aquarium. LEARN MORE CLICK HERE  

Salt in Saltwater Aquariums - How Do You Make Saltwater For a Marine Aquarium?

"Salt in Saltwater Aquariums - How Do You Make Saltwater For a Marine Aquarium?"," Now, years later, questions arise; where do you get the salt to make saltwater for the fish? Do you just add a salt mix to water? If so how do I know if I mixed the salt correctly? Then you hear rumors that keeping the saltwater level in your aquarium is difficult. Rest assured that you no longer have to drive to the ocean to get saltwater. There are four different ways to purchase saltwater for your aquarium. Just follow the directions on the label and add the recommended amount of salt to tap, RO, DI or distilled water. Many pet and aquarium stores mix large quantities of saltwater in vats so that consumers (you) can purchase it by bringing containers (usually holding 5 gallons) to fill. Purified water removes many unwanted pollutants from the water. This water is collected from the ocean, purified and bottled. The final and most exciting way to get saltwater is to move near an ocean and go off shore to collect all the water you need. Whichever form of saltwater you choose before you add any saltwater to your aquarium always test it. You want to ensure the salt content is correct; specific gravity should be between 1. 025. One popular hydrometer style is a plastic box with a floating swing-arm. If you are reading too high on the scale add more water, if too low add more salt mix. Once the salt level is correct ensure your pH, ammonia and nitrite levels are also where they should be. . LEARN MORE CLICK HERE

Saltwater Aquariums and Tips on Cleaning Saltwater Aquariums

Saltwater Aquariums and Tips on Cleaning Saltwater Aquariums"," Fish keepers use aquariums to keep aquatic plants, turtles, marine mammals, amphibians, invertebrates and different species of fish. A glass aquarium is considered normal in size if it has more than 1000 liters or 250 gallons. They are angled to fit in the corners. Acrylic aquariums are the main rival of the usual glass aquariums. Acrylic-soluble cement is used to fuse acrylic together. Large aquariums use stronger materials like fiberglass-reinforced plastic to withhold the weight. The concrete should be coated with waterproof layers to avoid contamination from the concrete and to avoid water from breaking down the concrete. A larger aquarium is usually recommended to hobbyist because of their resistance to quick fluctuation of pH and temperature, making the system more stable. There are many aquariums with a hood to protect the fish from jumping out, and also to avoid water from evaporating. A saltwater aquarium is harder to maintain as compared to fresh water aquariums since the ecology of the saltwater aquarium vary and need to be taken cared of and handled with proper knowledge. Cleaning the tanks of saltwater is different from cleaning the tanks of freshwater due to the saltwater ecosystems that possess a delicate balance. Tips on cleaning saltwater aquariums:Check the filter weekly and clean it by hand if it is already dirty. Clean the aquarium glass weekly with a scraper to take away algae. Consider purchasing snails and hermit crabs that keep saltwater tanks clean from algae. Do not clean the tank over twice a month otherwise you kill all the beneficial bacteria that help maintain a healthy aquarium. Move the larger rocks and clean it underneath them. Buy a timer for the tank lighting system. It is also significant to light the tank at very similar times each day. LEARN MORE CLICK HERE  

Sunday, 8 April 2012

Picking Out The Best Types Of Freshwater Aquarium Fish

"Picking Out The Best Types Of Freshwater Aquarium Fish"," Deciding whether you want to have a saltwater or freshwater aquarium is the first step. There are two types of fish from which to choose, coldwater and tropical. Some of the more popular types of freshwater fish for coldwater tanks are goldfish, koi and some of the tetra fish species. These colorful and beautiful fish need a heated aquarium to survive and therefore cost a little more to maintain, but the sheer beauty of some of them make the expense worthwhile. If you choose to add more mature fish as you become more established, that's fine as long as your aquarium has had time to stabilize. The types of freshwater fish for the tropical tank should be hardy and able to withstand variations and fluctuations of ammonia and nitrite as your aquarium becomes established. Some recommendations for the types of to start off your tropical tank with include Tetras, Danios, Barbs or Cichlids. Danios are an excellent type of freshwater fish. Barbs are a good choice of tropical fish for the beginner although you have to be careful about the fish you put them in with as they can a bit temperamental and nip the slower moving fish. As there are countless types of freshwater aquarium fish from which to choose each with their own behavior patterns, it is always a good idea to take the advice of a professional before making your choices. FOR MORE INFORMATION CHECK THIS OUT 

Would Rare Tropical Fish Make Good Pets For You?

"Would Rare Tropical Fish Make Good Pets For You?"," As with any argument, there are pros and cons to keeping rare tropical fish as pets. Those against housing these fish argue that they should be kept in their natural habitat, where they will be healthiest and also be able to breed. When purchasing rare tropical fish, it is important to first do some research. Other dealers obtain their rare tropical fish legally and have the correct paperwork. These dealers will not be able to provide the correct paperwork, and the health of the fish they sell cannot be guaranteed. It is important not to underestimate the level of care, as well as the financial investment, that these types of fish require. Some breeds of fish have special dietary needs, as well. Some require live food, and many will require special supplements in addition to their daily food intake. Some rare tropical fish can cost upwards of $1,000, and may not have a very long lifespan. This makes them a temporary investment, at best, so make sure you're willing to commit the time and money necessary to keep your rare fish pets healthy and properly taken care of. The debate over whether to keep these fish as pets can be overwhelming, but with proper research and a solid knowledge of the care they require, you're sure to make the right decision about whether to keep rare tropical fish as pets. Make my day click here and learn more  

Freshwater and Saltwater Tropical Fish

"Freshwater and Saltwater Tropical Fish"," The term tropical fish refer to only those requiring fresh water. They are imported from their native waters as well as domestically bred. How do you decide which one is best for? An important factor while purchasing it, is the color. It is very easy to see if it is sick, most of sick fish just don't eat. Sick fish with Cloudy Eye disease or fin rot disease for example are easy to notice check your future animal, its skin, behavior and its vitality. A high percentage of people do not take the time to read, learn and study up on the hobby before getting started. The third rule is to remember to maintain your fish tank on a regular basis. There is also the attraction that once the tank is up and running the required effort needed to keep tropical fish is relatively low, in-fact there is hardly any restriction to ones normal life. One advantage of keeping and/or raising tropical fish is the large international community that shares your interest. Critical part while you acclimate your new fish is to not feed them for at least 24 hours and preferably 48 hours. Tropical marine fish enjoy their temperature a little bit warmer at 80 to 82 degrees Fahrenheit (26C). Tropical fish tanks have to be constantly monitored for presence of harmful bacteria, fungi, and algae. . more info can be found here look and learn