Saturday, 12 May 2012

Cichlid Tropical Fish - Don't Make This Mistake

"Cichlid Tropical Fish - Don't Make This Mistake"," More and more novice aquarists are taking on the task of learning how to keep African or American cichlids, but most are just unsure of how to take care of these very unique and beautiful aquarium fish.
 Pet stores make this mistake too! It breaks my heart to see these poor cichlids in pet stores that are improperly kept.
 Their water requirements are very different and they just are not naturally supposed to be living together.
 Not making regular water changes in their aquariums.
 The truth is, novice aquarists just don't know how to take care of their tropical fish much less make them thrive and even begin to breed.
 Take cichlid fish for example.

So where can you find out how to avoid making mistakes when learning how to keep cichlids?

Choosing the Best Fish For Your Freshwater Tropical Fish Aquarium

"Choosing the Best Fish For Your Freshwater Tropical Fish Aquarium","  With this large decisions to make it sometimes become hard to make a decide which species to get.
 Once you have decided what fish you prefer to get in your tank, then the rest of the decisions will fall into place a lot easier.

The most popular types of tropical fish is the Angelfish.
  Angels are Cichlids and like all Cichlids, if you have 2 or 3 in the same aquarium, the strongest one will make the others miserable.
 When they are fending for their young they can be really belligerent toward any other fish in the area.

Another tropical fish to have in your aquarium is the Rosy Barb.
 They are commonly pinkish in color with the males featuring a black top of the fins.
 It is prefer to add floating plants in the aquarium.
  When the Rosy Barbs breed, the eggs are left on the plants.
  It takes a few days for the fish to start free swim.

Another big popular freshwater tropical fish is the swordtail.
 This is an exceedingly fearless fish that can accommodate a wide array of water conditions.
 There have been account with aggression among male swordtails when keeping multiples.
 The freshwater tropical fish aquarium owners will be presented with a assortment of decisions.

The Wholesale World of Tropical Fish and the Dedicated Folks Who Bring Them to You

"The Wholesale World of Tropical Fish and the Dedicated Folks Who Bring Them to You"," Most pet stores buy their fish from wholesalers, who get their fish and other animals from fish farms around the world.

Years ago, I knew one such wholesale dealer.
 is located on Lloyd Road in Willowick, Ohio (a suburb of Cleveland.
 It is more fascinating than a zoo, and all the creatures are well cared for.
 Walking down aisle after aisle of huge aquariums, it is fun to see the different breeds and sizes of their fish.
 started his fish business in the basement of his house.
 He then moved into a bigger location, and it just kept growing.

What exactly does a wholesaler do? Retail stores buy livestock from the wholesaler, who then delivers the merchandise to them.
 Fish and other livestock are packaged safely in thick, styrofoam containers for the trip to the store.
 Then, they are released into the tank, and are there for you to purchase.

When the large pet superstores came into existence, their presence somewhat hurt private wholesalers' and pet stores' businesses, but the hardiest establishments, like TFD, survived.
 Fishkeeping is a labor of love, because there is emphasis on making sure the fish are healthy and well fed, as well as keeping the customers happy and well supplied.
 The creatures are shipped out on a frequent basis, to get them in good homes as quickly as possible.
 When you see different tropical fish in pet stores, realize that many of them came from very far away, with the help of a chain of people (truckers, stockers, clerks, biologists and others) who made sure the fish arrive to you in healthy condition.
 They cannot be put together once at the warehouse, so they are kept each in their own individual cup, that must be cleaned frequently.
 Enjoy your goldfish, cichlids, angelfish and marine corals as you realize that it took a lot of miles traveled, and manpower to bring them to your home aquarium by people who truly do care.

Tips For Stocking A Tropical Fish Tank

"Tips For Stocking A Tropical Fish Tank"," Those who are considering investing in a tank will need to know the species that can coexist together and when it's safe to add fish into a new tank.

Tanks can hold 1inches of fish per gallon of water, so a tank that is 60 gallons would have room for 60 inches of fish.
 Fish that are large will shift more water and have more waste than a fish with a smaller body.
 This will also reduce the amount of fish that is safe to add into a new tank.
 If an adult is being purchased, then the fish will need to be measured from the head to the end of its tail.
 Stores often have information listed on the tank that can help new owners decide on the type of fish they wish to buy.

A tropical fish tank should not be fully stocked at once.
 However, only two fish each week should be added.
 When first starting a tank, consider species that are resilient such as White Clouds and then introduce species like Tiger Barbs.
 Certain breeds like to swim near the top of a tank; these include Betta's and Hatchet fish.
 Fish that prefer the middle of the aquarium are usually the prettiest.
 Those who add a variety of fish who dwell peacefully together will have many happy years with their tank.

Tropical Fish Tanks - Planning and Setup

"Tropical Fish Tanks - Planning and Setup"," The good news is that the tropical fish are among the easiest to maintain.

The first thing is the tank itself.
 Different fish have different space requirements so talk to the pet store staff to be sure you get what you really want.
 You don't want to end up with an overcrowded tank the first time a momma fish gives birth.
 The rule of thumb is one pound of gravel per gallon of water.
 Don't place it in the main walkway of your home unless it is well secured and out of the way.
 Although thick glass is not easy to break with normal accidents, one crack could be tragic if left to its own.
 This is why it is important to have a safe place for your fish to live and to do regular inspections for any potential problems, fixing anything wrong as soon as possible.
 Some are aggressive, some are passive, some eat others and some run away and hide, some live a short time and others live for many years.
 Sometimes the size is important too, certain large fish will eat anything small enough to swallow so keep that in mind as well.
 You'll need some basic tools but there are also other gadgets you can get that will make it easier to maintain your water-world.

The environment of your new fish-world

Learning what to do should something bad enter the environment and how to determine that is important.
 You must have a biological filter to keep the water clear of contaminants but you should also learn what to look for that could cause problems so you can head them off before they become serious.
 These can destroy the entire environment if left unhanded.
 These can be signs of illness or another need in your tank so check the water immediately for problems.
 You should have on hand chemicals necessary to remove chlorine, chloramines and ammonia from water as well as pH raising and lowering chemicals and, of course, a test kit.

With a little planning and learning what influences your little fish friends you can have a fun and relaxing time with your tropical fish tanks because when you get the hang of one you will want another!

Types of Tropical Fish For Your Aquarium

"Types of Tropical Fish For Your Aquarium"," Not only are they great pets, they are diverse in colors, shapes and sizes.
 There are several factors you should consider before going out and buying, things like compatibility, temperatures requirements etc.
 In addition, you'll also need to make sure that the tropical fish you're getting will be compatible if you're deciding to mix them all in one tank.
 This depends on the type of species and the size of your aquarium tank.
 Depending on the fish, you'll need to find out whether they eat floating or sinking food.
 This can actually do more bad than good.

This article has barely touched the surface of tropical fish care.

Thursday, 10 May 2012

"Ideal Betta Fish Life Expectancy","

However, of course, this is hardly carved in stone.
One can start by purchasing a bunch of young bettas from a reputable, experienced store and/or breeder and growing them the right way.
 Have a look also at how the bettas are kept.
 They may add some fuss (and, yes, expense) to the maintenance of what is reputedly one of the most maintenance-free of all aquarium fish, but they can definitely extend the life of a betta considerably.
 Foremost is the fact that a betta that is raised in dirty water is exposed, day in and day out, to bacteria, fungus spores, and so on.
 Moreover, if it is not fed properly there is no way it can ever be healthy-and if combined with being raised in poor water in its ""youth"", poor food practices will guarantee that it No such betta can hope to live long, even if given the best care in its adulthood.
And of course, this also means raising them in as excellent a manner as they themselves have been raised.


Monday, 7 May 2012

Things to Consider Before You Buy Tropical Fish

"Things to Consider Before You Buy Tropical Fish"," It's important to do your homework when it comes to the personalities, physical needs, and which fish they do and do not get along with before you buy tropical fish so that there are no disappointments later.
 Gaining a basic knowledge of the fish's needs help your fish to grow up happy and healthy, and it's an important step to complete before you buy tropical fish.
 Obviously, the wide assortment of shapes, sizes, and especially colors are very appealing to people who love their fish pets.
 Designing an aquarium with an assortment of fish is similar to designing a garden - in both cases, it's the variety of colors that help make it so pleasurable to view.
 Some fish are very aggressive and have earned the nicknames ""bullies"" and ""barroom brawlers;"" they will hurt other, more peaceful fish, by nipping and picking on them.

Fish Have Needs Too

When it comes to the temperature and chemical balance of the water some fish have very m needs, and it is important to know about these needs before you buy tropical fish.
 If you're not ready to commit to this high level of maintenance, then it may be a good idea for you to not buy tropical fish of these breeds, or to maintain a species tank, which is an aquarium with only one species.
 If you are unable to devote a lot of time and attention to the needs of an aquarium, or don't want to spend more money on special food for picky fish, make your purchase decisions accordingly.

Sunday, 6 May 2012

Tips for Setting Up a Tropical Fish Tank

"Tips for Setting Up a Tropical Fish Tank"," Many people think that it would be a good idea to start with a very small tank but this is not always the best way to start.
 Therefore, a medium to large tank that is at least 60 centimetres long by 30 centimetres wide is a good size to aim for.
 You can choose from: round, rectangular, corner and even wall tanks and can be made of either plastic or glass.

Many aquariums also come with a stand or cabinet which is a good idea as they need to be positioned on a solid and level surface because a fish tank full of water is extremely heavy.

Your tropical fish tank should be positioned in a peaceful position, away from draughts and sources of heat such as radiators and windows, or too much human activity and near an electrical socket for powering the equipment.
 Many suppliers offer a fish tank with heater, filter, pump and lighting included.

Once you have your aquarium you can place an attractive substrate such as sand or gravel on the bottom.
 The equipment should also be fitted at this stage.
 Tap water is fine but it may need a water treatment or chemicals to ensure it is of the required ph and nitrate levels before adding fish.

Once full, it is important to be patient and wait 2-3 weeks after filling your fish tank to make sure the water has cycled and is safe for the fish.
 You can also make sure the heater and other equipment is working well.
 As a guide approximately 1 inch of fish can be kept for each gallon of water in a tropical fish tank.
 Introduce a few fish at a time and err on the conservative side of the maximum number calculation as over stocking can be a major cause of problems in a fish tank.