Friday, 29 June 2012

How Much Will a Saltwater Tank Setup Cost

"How Much Will a Saltwater Tank Setup Cost - Examining Saltwater Aquarium Setup and Maintenance Costs"," When it comes to a new saltwater aquarium most people pause and wonder how much a saltwater tank setup will cost them to set up and operate and if they can afford it.

How Much Will A Saltwater Tank Setup Cost To Start

A good number to use to figure the total cost of your marine aquarium system would be around $25 per tank gallon for fish only systems and $30-$35 per gallon for a reef aquarium system.

Because the cost of saltwater fish varies widely it is hard to figure in an exact number but the saltwater fish start at $5 and go up to hundreds of dollars with the average cost for popular fish around $30-$40.
 Reef aquariums are more expensive to run compared to fish only tanks because of the bright lights and stronger pumps needed.
50-1 per tank gallon for saltwater fish only aquarium and $1.
 This should cover electricity, filter materials and required additives like salt mix and fish food.


keywords: saltwater tank cost, saltwater tank, saltwater aquarium cost and maintenance, saltwater fish

Tuesday, 26 June 2012

Are Saltwater Aquariums Hard? - Five Things That Can Make Keeping a New Saltwater Tank Difficult

"Are Saltwater Aquariums Hard? - Five Things That Can Make Keeping a New Saltwater Tank Difficult"," It is also a question that has many answers depending on many things, things that are often controllable by the person planning the tank.

Things That Can Make Saltwater Aquariums Hard To Keep

Buying Small Tanks- If this is your first attempt at keeping a marine aquarium you should buy a tank that is at least 30 gallons or larger.

Unknowingly Keeping Difficult Fish- One huge and common beginner saltwater aquarium mistake is to buy marine fish for your tank that will not survive in captivity or fish that are very delicate.

Setting It Up Like a Freshwater Tank- Many people think they can setup their new saltwater tank just like a freshwater tank.
 This is a recipe for disaster and sick fish.

Constant Tinkering With The Tank- Another common mistake many people make with a new marine aquarium is to always have their hands in the tank re arranging the decoration and things like that.

Adding To Many Fish To Fast- Overstocking is a sure fire way to have saltwater fish that are stressed, fighting and dieing.
 Add the new fish slowly waiting about a week between new additions, adding them to fast can over whelm a new aquarium system and an ammonia spike could occur and kill all of your saltwater fish.



Fish One Can Have in a Saltwater Aquarium

"Fish One Can Have in a Saltwater Aquarium"," Certainly a well maintained and cared for aquarium not only is beautiful to watch, but also will add a touch of the exotic to the décor of the room in which it is situated. You will need to learn about how to care for them, what kinds of food they like and the type of environment in which they thrive. Two Of The Popular Species Of Fish For A Saltwater Aquarium Mollies - - - These are usually the first kinds of saltwater fish a person will place into their aquarium when first setting it up. Certainly in the initial setting up process, you may find it hard to keep the saltwater levels in your tank balanced correctly, and these are extremely hardy fish who will not find it that difficult to cope with any changes in the saline levels in the water. Also they make a pretty addition to any saltwater aquarium because of their broad tails and large back fin. Another important thing to note is that Mollies like a saltwater fish tank where there are plenty of plants, and also comes with a good filtration system. Damselfish - - - These are another good choice of saltwater fish to have as a starter when you have first set up your aquarium. But you need to be aware that these particular fish can actually be aggressive towards other types of aquarium fish. However, if you do want to own some other species of Damselfish in your saltwater aquarium, it is far better if you keep these in a separate tank, especially if the aquarium you currently own is not large enough. These include Angelfish, Lionfish, Clownfish and Tangs - - all of which are extremely popular with owners of saltwater aquariums, and all which you should learn about fully before you purchase. So you need to make sure that your aquarium environment is as stable as possible before you go out spending money on any new fish species for your tank. . LEARN MORE CLICK HERE

Crucial Saltwater Aquarium Supplies

"Crucial Saltwater Aquarium Supplies","  There are a number of pieces of equipment that you will need to purchase which are critical saltwater aquarium supplies, and which should be of the best quality possible.   Not only are we looking at what kinds of pumps and filters you can purchase, but what you should be looking for when buying them.   There are a number of things which you will need to take into consideration when looking at purchasing an  aquarium pump.   The biggest mistake made by many when they are purchasing an aquarium pump for the first time, is to buy the largest one possible no matter what size aquarium they have.   Ideally what you should be doing is purchasing a pump from a saltwater aquarium supply company that is capable of dealing with the volume of water that is held in the tank. Saltwater Aquarium Supplies - - -  Filters As with the pump, it is important that you choose the right kind of  aquarium filter.   When it does come to your selecting an aquarium saltwater filter, there are certain factors which you should be keeping in mind with regard to this particular kind of saltwater aquarium supply.   Plus when purchasing any kind of saltwater aquarium supplies, you need to think about just how easy it will be to maintain them.   Although the smaller the channels may look useful, the problem with these are that they can become easily blocked. If you really want to maintain the quality of the water in your tank to prevent the buildup of algae and waste, then when buying your biological filter also buy a good quality mechanic filter as well. When it comes to buying saltwater aquarium supplies you can purchase discount aquarium supplies, however it is advisable to do some research on the product in question before you make your purchase. .       

Saltwater Aquariums - Adding Supplements to Yours

"Saltwater Aquariums - Adding Supplements to Yours","  What one needs to be aware of when it comes to saltwater aquariums, is that over time certain minerals and nutrients which are essential to the health of  fish, can become depleted.   However, not everybody does need to add supplements to their aquarium; it all depends on how well you maintain yours.    The reason for this being that each time you change the water within any kind of saltwater aquarium, you are in fact replenishing those essential nutrients and minerals that are needed.   How Do You Determine If Saltwater Aquariums Need Supplements  The simplest and most effective way for you to determine if your saltwater aquarium requires additional supplements, is to test the water.    However, when you are adding supplements you need to be careful, otherwise you may find yourself adding too much and fixing an excess of anything can cause you problems.   This unfortunately can cause the plants, fish and coral in your tank considerable amounts of stress.   This certainly seems to be the case where saltwater aquariums only contain fish or fish and live rocks.   But as well as adding calcium to your  aquariums which contain coral reef, you may find that you need to start adding some magnesium and Kalkwasser supplements as well.   Certainly without adding such a supplement, you may find it extremely difficult to keep the levels at a balance that is beneficial to the life in the tank, and which is naturally found in their wild environment.   These come either in tablet or liquid form and although the liquid type is far easier to add to the aquarium water, it is also more expensive.    LEARN MORE CLICK HERE


Deciding Between a Saltwater Aquarium or a Freshwater Aquarium

"Deciding Between a Saltwater Aquarium or a Freshwater Aquarium"," There are so many things that can be done when it comes to having an aquarium as the center of your decor, and it is the perfect way to combine room decor and the companionship of having a pet in your room. Many people choose to implement a freshwater aquarium over a saltwater aquarium without really looking into the benefits and drawbacks of both. While people tend to go the freshwater direction due to the fact that it is a much cheaper alternative, the beauty and variety that having a saltwater aquarium affords you is not easily surpassed. Blue Tang, Clownfish, Hawk Fish, Fantail Filefish and more -- these are all of the selections that you can choose from when it comes to having tropical fish in your aquarium. The fish that you can have in a saltwater aquarium are a great deal more exotic and beautiful than anything a freshwater aquarium could house. However, if you are interested in your fish and you want them to have a healthy environment to live in, having a saltwater aquarium can be rather easy to manage. Either way, while taking care of a saltwater aquarium is more work than taking care of a freshwater aquarium, even though the rewards are much greater. If you are in the market for something new, something beautiful and valuable to add a certain element to your home or office a saltwater aquarium may just be the thing for you. Saltwater Aquarium Wins Over Freshwater Aquarium In terms of overall decor, beauty, and the large variety of tropical fish you can have in a saltwater aquarium, a saltwater aquarium wins hands-down over a freshwater aquarium. In either case, an aquarium definitely adds a touch of your personal character to a home or office environment.      

Different Types of Freshwater Aquarium Fish

"Different Types of Freshwater Aquarium Fish"," The next step is to add fish. And the fish that you choose for your freshwater tank may dictate what you put in your aquarium. One of the more common types of aquarium settings involves picking many types of fish to live together in one tank. How could you possibly narrow the choice of fish down to just one or two? Community Aquarium This type of aquarium setting is called a community aquarium. Catfish You probably will be considering some bottom feeders, including the catfish, of which there are many, many different kinds. Catfish come in many different shapes and sizes and patterns and tend to do well in community environments because they are pretty mellow fish. They're easy to take care of and get along well in community aquariums. There are lots of bright color patterns, and very pretty iridescent colors. Cichlids Cichlids come in all sizes and colors that you can imagine. But do some research, as some tend to be more aggressive. Cichlids are available in all sorts of stripe patterns, dots, solid colors, bright colors, and sometimes even different shapes. There are even dwarf cichlids which are very cute, but can be more for advanced aquarists. The angelfish is a beautiful fish with an unusual shape and long fins and tails. Barbs Barbs are very easy community fish, also. Most are non-aggressive and do well with lots of other fish. They are live bearers, and sometimes aquarists will keep a tank just of guppies because they do so well together. Goldfish are available in lots of different solids and mixed colors. This is just a brief article on the most common types of freshwater fish available. And remember--don't overcrowd your tank! . LEARN MORE BY CLICKING HERE