Saturday, 21 April 2012

Breeding for Beginners

"Breeding for Beginners"," You can take immense pride in achieving this, but is particularly true for the more difficult species to breed.

Mollies Guppies, Swordtails and Platys are fantastic fish for beginners to breed.
 These fish come in an enormous variety of colours and patterns and are great for beginner breeders to hone their newly acquired skills

Probably THE most important tip on breeding tropical fish that bear live young is to keep the baby fish, called fry, away from the rest of your community tank.
 If you don't your breeding efforts will be in vain.

Your best bet to avoid this fate is to use a separate breeding tank with lots of plants and foliage for the fry to hide in.

Water temperature and tank size are both very important when it comes to conditioning tropical fish.
 Fish are conditioned to breed when the water temperature signals to them that it is breeding season.
 As a general rule, larger tanks tend to produce larger numbers of fry in one birth as well.
 However as it isn't always possible to obtain 'specialist food', nowadays a well balanced diet can be provided easily in the form of high quality flaked or similar prepared food.

The joy that you get from breeding fish will be all the more if you follow these basic rules.


The Secrets Of Goldfish Care

"The Secrets Of Goldfish Care","  Goldfish need well oxygenated water so you'll want to pick a tank that has a lot of surface area - or area where the water meets the air.
  I know a lot of people keep their goldfish in a bowl, but this isn't really a very good environment for a fish and it certainly won't allow for you to expand and add other fish to your collection.
  Goldfish, in general are actually pretty messy fish and they can pollute their own water pretty quickly.
  Plus they will eat too much and then poop more and their waste in the water will also start to decay.

Doing partial water changes, about 25% of the total water changed out once a month, is a must to keep your goldfish happy and healthy.
  You want to look for little white spots that almost look like salt which is a disease called Ichtyopthirius and needs to be treated right away.
  Make sure you keep the tank at a constant temperature and that the PH level remains within the preferred range.
  Feeding him a varied diet consisting of flake foods, brine shrimp and blood worms will help keep them healthy. 

Ultimate Secrets to Keeping Discus Fish

"Ultimate Secrets to Keeping Discus Fish"," They come in a variety of wonderful colors and have personality to boot! Many people think that aquarium fish are unaware of what goes on outside the tank.
 They are very energetic and will even eat out of your hand.
 Although I have seen discus fish kept in tanks as small as 20 gallons, 40 gallons is the minimum size you should consider.
 Make sure that you place your tank in an area that is out of direct sun light.

Freshwater Discus and most all aquarium fish are sensitive to toxic water conditions.
 Water conditioners that will remove chlorine are available at any store that sells tropical fish.
 These Ammonia levels can be kept in check with regular water changes (about 1/3 of your water once a month) and by having a quality filtration system.
 The temperature needs to remain stable between 84 and 86 degrees Fahrenheit.
 An undersized heater will cause too much variation in water temperature which will result in unhealthy and unhappy fish.
 They prefer to be kept with others of their kind and should never be kept alone in a community tank.

There are a variety of resources where you can find Discus fish information.

Eventually you may even want to try your hand a breeding Discus fish.
 Good luck and have fun with these amazing and wonderful fish.


Secrets For Tropical Fish Care

"Secrets For Tropical Fish Care"," The tank must be vacuumed at least once every two weeks. Once a year you should completely start over. Aeration in your tank is crucial for having enough oxygen for your fish. You should have at least one device for a 10-20 gallon tank and two for a tank that is larger than 30 gallons. Turn the lights out at night so they can sleep. Feeding fish doesn't have to be boring. Find out if your fish are insectivores, carnivores, herbivores, omnivores. There is four groups of fish food. Be careful with the live food because they can carry diseases that can infect your fish. Algae growth can completely take over your fish tank in no time. When buying fish for your tank for the first time be sure to buy hardy fish. There is three different types of filters for aquariums. The under gravel filter is a good option. 

"Discus Fish Books - A ""Discus Fish Secrets"" Review"

"Discus Fish Books - A ""Discus Fish Secrets"" Review"," It is currently the #1 ebook available for the keeping and breeding of discus fish.
 This book is a complete step-by-step guide to caring for, raising, and breeding discus fish, and is full of practical advice to help you to raise happy and healthy pets.
 Rob has kept and bred these animals for more than 10 years, and has substantial first hand knowledge of what works and what doesn't.
 The manual also discusses what foods are best, how much they should be fed, and how often.
 Rob discusses how to tell when your discus are ready to breed, gives several common mistakes to avoid when breeding, and even how to care and raise fry into strong adults.
 You will learn how to artificially raise fry away from their parents so that the eggs aren't eaten by the adults.
 And finally, if you live in hard water areas, Rob has an all natural way to reduce hardness.
 It contains practical advice and information from an experienced expert who has organized everything for you in one place.

Tropical Fish Care - Get Top Tips For Tropical Fish

"Tropical Fish Care - Get Top Tips For Tropical Fish"," Below are 6 top tips for tropical fish care: 1) Tropical Fish Tank Tips You should try to get the biggest tank you can afford. It will also give your fishes more water thus keeping them healthier. 2) Tropical Fish Should Have Plenty Of Places To Hide. Resulting in lower levels of stress for your tropical fish. 3)Your fish should not be close to direct sunlight. Direct sunlight will also increase your tanks water temperature. 4) Fish Feeding Care A good diet is an essential part of Tropical Fish Care. You will see better colors and increased vitality by giving them a variety in their diet. To ensure better fish care do not over feed your fish. When you give your fish food they should be able to finish within a minute or two else you will see flakes settling on the bottom of the tank and that means you have given too much food. 5) Stocking of Tropical Fish Don't add too many fish to your tank. 6) Fish Tank Maintenance Tips and Care You should be changing water of your tank regularly. . STOP WASTING TIME CLICK HERE 

Tropical Fish Fun - The New Tank

"Tropical Fish Fun - The New Tank"," So we decided to reconstruct the fireplace - a typical modern affair with no real quality or style - into a 7 foot long 4 foot deep paradise for fish and eventually into an African Cichlid sanctuary. The tank was to stand on ornamental stone blocks which a local builder fixed in place. The first trip to the store My excitement was extreme as we made our way to the local store to get the bits and pieces we would need to start off: o the gravel o the filter and aerator o the lighting o the heater o the cleaner (gravel vac). At this time there was no need to be particular as water disturbs the gravel when it is first added. At this point I added some water purifiers and de-chlorinator to the tank. These all remained switched off until I was finished in the tank. Next all the equipment was turned on and left for two days. The first fish. Mollies, swordtails, platies or guppys are ideal to get your water up to scratch. So only add a few fish at first or the waste will kill the fish before the bacteria gets to work. This was just to get the water temperatures equalised, and then over a period of a couple of minutes I let some of the tank water in the bag a couple of times. Technically the fish waste is ammonia and needs to be broken down by bacteria into nitrite, and then later on into nitrate which is what helps the plants grow. Even then my advice would be to add fish slowly til the are all established. My wife and I eventually decided that tanganyika cichlids and malawi cichlids were our real tropical fish hobby (with some dwarf Kribs thrown in) and we managed to breed a few different types including labidochromis caeruleus or more commonly Canary cichlids, and also neolamprologus leleupi or the tanganyika yellow. In the evenings now we just switch the television off, cuddle up and watch the fish tank - and soothe our worries away. STOP WASTING TIME CLICK HERE

Wednesday, 18 April 2012

Starting a Saltwater Marine Aquarium

"Starting a Saltwater Marine Aquarium"," This allows them to understand and relate to nature in a closer way, a very real reward indeed.
 You can now set up and keep a tank complete with saltwater fishes, corals and landscaping.

Keeping saltwater fishes in a home aquarium has been viewed as challenging.

Upkeep of the tanks can be bothersome as algae needs to be cleaned off frequently, not to mention the periodic cleaning of the undergravel filter and sand.

The trick for a beginner to marine aquariums is to begin with a system that is designed for the long haul and is ""self-adjusting"".

A long term commitment is required as constant care of the aquarium is demanded, with the same level of duty of keeping a live pet such as a cat or dog.

Much has been learned about the biological processes of nature's reefs and newer aquarium equipment are now available to re-create such an environment.

Another is the use of vigorous water circulation, which helps to distribute both good and bad elements across the tank.

Patience is essential to establish the beautiful marine tank that one so desires with these colourful aquatic creatures.

Rushing will not help here as overnight results are hardly attainable by a beginner, even with the expense.

The success of setting up a healthy and vibrant home marine aquarium can be very rewarding and exciting.

For a lot of hobbyists, keeping a marine aquarium often becomes a life-long passion.

And who knows, keeping marine aquariums might even motivate hobbyists to go even closer to nature by taking up snorkeling or diving.



The Importance of Fish Aquarium Lights

"The Importance of Fish Aquarium Lights"," It might come as a shock to you but yes, an aquarium lighting system is part of the basics.
 It not only helps you with aquascaping your tropical marine aquarium or marine aquarium.

Sure, live plants for aquariums can be cheap, and it's probably okay for you to keep changing them when they die.
 You might already have a good spot picked out for your freshwater fish tanks, complete fish tanks, or marine fish tanks.

The hood on your tank has three functions.
 Two is for keeping dust and other things from entering your tank and three is to hold your metal halide ballast and fish aquarium lights.
 When getting aquarium supplies like an aquarium lighting system, you have to get quality equipment.
 Okay, tropical fish need a bit of warmth in their water to live comfortably but if it surpasses 76 to 80 degrees, your fish are getting cooked.
 If you get quality aquarium lighting system, you don't have to worry about providing your tank with good light.
 Just as fish do in nature, they like to have a few moments in the darkness and you can turn your fish aquarium lights then.



Taking Care of a Fish Tank

"Taking Care of a Fish Tank "," If you have had problems in keeping your fish alive even for a few months, you will need to take a closer look at your fish tank.
 Taking care of the aquarium will require some effort on your part and you will need to plan in advance in order to get the techniques right.
 These fish have the potential to live anywhere between 3 to 7 years, and the goldfish can survive for almost 20 years.
 One of the major requirements you will need to pay attention to are the food supplies.
 Hence, you should try to serve your fish with less food during winter and more during summer.
 Usually the fish don't become old and die, but get eaten by others when they grow weak.

Fish tanks can become breeding grounds for various kinds of diseases, so you will need to sanitize the tank when cleaning it in order to protect your fishes from these diseases.
 If you're a hands on sort of person and would prefer to treat the fish on your own, you would be better off hitting the books in the quest of getting information on fish diseases.
 In such cases, prevention is much better than cure, and you should clean the tank regularly to avoid these problems.
 Poor quality water can stress out the fish so you'll need to take care that the water is of good quality and aerated properly.
 You should check the tank regularly to ensure that the fishes are in good health, and do not end up falling prey to some disease.
 If you do notice the same, then it's time to start cleaning the filter, the tank and change at least one third of the water in the aquarium.
 If the fishes are sick then it is better to opt for treating the fish than just dunking them in medicated water.
 As the physical condition of fishes start to improve, you can start changing the tank water on a regular basis again.
 The water in the tank is the main source of survival for the fishes, and carelessness here would result in loss of their lives.
 It could be the ambient water temperature, so you will need to check the water temp every now and then, to ensure that there are no accidents.
 Maintaining a fish tank can take quite a bit of effort on your part but once you have done it a couple of times, it will seem easy.



The Easiest Way To Breed Discus Fish

                                        DISCUS FISH

"The Easiest Way To Breed Discus Fish"," You can breed discus fish using the simplest blueprint to having a healthy and happy discus fish.
 they will think you are a professional when they look at the pictures of your fish.
 Many people say different things about the fish, now let me tell you the fact:

I practice what I teach, I use the same blueprint to keep my fish healthy.
 I read my books both on it and practice the method analyzed.
- You must have a suitable water that will make your fish feel comfortable.
- The advantages and disadvantages of adding plants.
- How well your discus should grow and what to do if they are not.
- And many more.
 Which means it is very easy to read and understand.

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