"The Absolute Tropical Fish Secrets Guide"," You see, tropical fish aren't just like any ordinary fish, they're temperament, meaning that they're used to warmer climates, be it within saltwater or freshwater rivers and oceans.
Because of this, tropical fish can be an absolute delight to watch within the fish tank, however on the same token, they also require more care and nurturing in order to ensure they live happy and healthy lives, which will ultimately lead to your enjoyment.
For starters, tropical fish enjoy certain types of lighting as opposed to ordinary fish.
Knowing when to feed your tropical fish is another trick of the trade.
The best strategy however is to feed your tropical fish at the same consistent times, varying them slightly depending upon the time of day and even the outdoor weather and lighting.
These include certain types of tropical fish that just don't get on with other types.
Some species and breeds of fish may even go so far as to eat their smaller counterparts.
All it takes is one mistake to break the natural aqua cycle of your tropical fish environment, causing all your hard work to come to a complete halt.
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