Saturday, 24 March 2012

"How Do Bettas Make a Siamese Fighting Fish Bubble Nest?"

"How Do Bettas Make a Siamese Fighting Fish Bubble Nest?"," Less experienced people may simply have written it off as a mass of bubbles that just sits at the water surface (or, far worse, a sign that your water is dirty and needs changing-or as a sign that your betta is ill!), but I can assure you that it is nothing of the sort.
 Because as you'll see, a nest of this sort is a sign that not only is your male betta very healthy, he is actually in the prime of health-and is, as a matter of fact, all ready to breed.
 Bettas are fish that evolved in the little creeks and ponds and rice-paddy waters of Asia.
 This is the reason why bettas and other fish of their large family evolved to breathe air from the top of the water, because they evolved it to compensate for the sometimes low oxygen levels of the water.
 Like many other gouramis and fellow betta species, the betta fish blows a bubble nest and places the eggs into it while they develop.
 Eggs that sink to the bottom may not develop properly if not exposed to enough oxygen-and may also be sitting ducks for predators.
 It sits a bit above the water for maximal egg exposure to oxygen and for additional protection from predators.


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