"Learning More About Your Tropical Fish"," Since it is your responsibility as a pet owner, the need to understand and know how to raise your fish and take care of them in terms of their environment and food is important.
Your water filters, aquariums and fish food might have underwent changes that you might not be aware off.
For starter, if you've only just picked up the hobby, it might be good idea to start with a goldfish as they're usually more resistant and not so delicate as compared to an angelfish where constant care must be given in order for them to thrive.
It might be difficult especially for starters, because both will look the same! Generally males will be larger than females, however there are still breeds that might be the opposite, so you'll want to have a good understanding of the different type and breed of fishes before you start raring them.
It is recommended to have 2 females to one male in order to increase the chance or reproduction.
Lastly, in terms of tropical fish, environment is everything! From the temperature to what get to stay inside the tank should be considered carefully! Always provide enough shelter and cover for your fish so that they do not feel too stressed, and also make sure you're cleaning the tank twice every month to reduce the chances of bacterial and fungus growing right inside the aquarium!
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