Thursday, 3 May 2012

Breeding Buttikoferi Tropical Fish

"Breeding Buttikoferi Tropical Fish"," These types of tropical fish should be kept in a special aquarium.

Most Buttikoferi should be given food of both protein and vegetarian flakes.

Both sexes are very aggressive towards other residents of the aquarium especially during the mating season.

Buttikoferis are mouth brooders.
 During this brooding period, the female will normally refuse to eat.
 Change the aquarium water constantly to increase the well-beings of the fry.
 The fry can be developed in less tolerable situations as they mature, and the aggression among the fry will cause great reduction in the number of the fish by the time the fry have reached at least six months old.
 However, this colouring can change as they grow older for breeding.
 Although this variety will not normally spawn aggression with most tropical fish, they can be aggressive with their own specie.
 This specie is very intelligent and they often will come upfront of the fish tank as if they are very sociable beings.
 Maintain the water's pH level to neutral or slightly alkaline, a substrate of aragonite components can help to maintain the water in this level.

The males will normally fertilize the eggs when the female has accumulated them in her mouth opening.

Basically, a male around 7-8 inches is already sexually capabable

You can feed the newly hatched fry with brine shrimp or finely grounded food flakes.

TedsWoodworking Plans and Projects

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