"Fundamental Information Regarding Oscar Fish"," The heavily built Oscar is the all-time choice among aquarium and fish lovers. A big aquarium with at least seventy gallons of water is needed to house a couple of Oscars. A deep sand base and some big rocks will be able to save you bunch of headaches. Other South American cichlids and also big catfish can be fine tank mates. Some people suggest on feeding them with live guppies and goldfish, but it is not advisable to do so, since you will take the real chance of bringing in the diseases. Breeding Oscar When propagating them, you must be aware that there are times that males may kill the females in standard cichlid fashion. The female Oscar will pick a smooth rock to lay eggs (around 1,000 eggs) and the males will be the one to fertilize them. Watching a couple of Oscars that is breeding is a kind of experience that is exciting and filled with action. Similar to usual lovers they will run after one another, make courtship dance and seldom squabble and fight. Infertile eggs have white colors. Please bear in mind always that the quality of water is extremely essential. . THIS COULD CHANGE YOUR LIFE AND GIVE YOU PEACE OF MIND
information OSCAR FISH

"Bringing Home an Oscar Fish"," The fascination for Oscars is owed to its unique and amazing personality which other fishes do not possess. Oscars could easily make aquariums lively and entertaining as they have very active personalities. However with careful considerations, starting a community tank with your Oscar would be very much fun. When they do, the fish owner would need a great deal of time and attention, and not to mention, money. Fungal infections could be treated though, with some fungal remedies, but the course of treatment could take up some time. Finrot and popeye disease are known bacterial infections that are common to occur when water conditions are not good. With causes not fully understood, the disease is known to be best prevented when tank conditions are properly kept. They are quite easy to breed too, and fish breeders have come up with a larger selection of more beautiful breeds to charm any reef tank. THIS COULD CHANGE YOUR LIFE AND GIVE YOU PEACE OF MIND
"Tips on Ocsars Care and Breeding"," They can be found in the Peru, Venezuela, Columbia, French Guiana, and the Amazon River basin. This family includes, angelfish, discus and African cichlids. So the actual number of species belonging to the cichlid family is unclear. Oscars are among the largest species of the cichlid family. 5 lbs. Selective breeding has produced a number of ornamental oscars bred specially for aquarists. The variety with mainly red coloration is typically sold under the trade name, red oscar. This is a highly marketable trait. They are aware that another world exists outside of their aquatic environment. Oscars will often rise to the surface when their owners are in the room. They have even been known to enjoy being petted. You can fed them tropical fish flakes when they are small. As they grow, their dietary needs become more substantial. They won't be there in the morning. They have been reported to lie on their sides mimicking death in order to induce their prey to draw closer. Oscars are commonly kept in mono-species tanks. 2. They will develop health problems if the are not. They will uproot plants from the aquarium substrate. Oscar Spawning Oscars are strictly monogamous. Oscars, like most cichlids, will clean flat surface to deposit their eggs on. In laymen's terms this means; Once the eggs are hatched they will burrow a shallow pit to keep the eggs in. The fry will hatch about 36 hours after fertilization. Oscar fry can be fed rotifers, newly hatched brine shrimp, powdered eggs, or finely crushed fish flakes. THIS COULD CHANGE YOUR LIFE AND GIVE YOU PEACE OF MIND
Ocsars Care, breeding

"Types of Tropical Fish"," These fish are classified under two categories, the salt water and the fresh water fish. Suitable for rearing in aquariums, tropical fish are imported by people from various countries. The type of tropical fishes range from very aggressive ones to some mild species. Let's take a look at some of these tropical fish species. Since the oscar fish is aggressive and likes to dominate other fishes, having less than six fishes in a single aquarium gives an opportunity for a strong oscar fish to bully others. This helps in reducing the tension between them. The large plecostomus and the whitetip sharks share space with the oscar fish without fighting or nipping at each other. The angelfish, which originated in the Amazon river basin of South America, has three different species, Pterophyllum altum, Pterophyllum leopoldi and the Pterophyllum scalare. This, in turn, helps them to prey on macroinvertebrates and smaller fishes. The stripes help the fish to hide, thereby acting as a camouflage. Thus, more than six fishes should be reared in an aquarium. It lives in clear as well as dark waters, mostly off coasts of Columbia, Brazil and Peru. Tiger Barb: The tiger barb, also known as the Sumatra barb, is found in the waters of Sumatra, Borneo and the Malay peninsula. The tiger barb, that is brownish yellow in color, has black vertical stripes on the body and is a schooling fish. Thus, more than six tigers barbs should be kept in an aquarium. It produces a weak electric charge. 0 and 8. When fully grown, the fish needs a tank with a capacity of at least 75 gallons. Fancy Guppies: The fancy guppies exhibit different colors such as red, blue, green and black. The temperature of the aquarium should be maintained between 78F and 82F. Adding salt to the aquarium in little quantities, helps in the growth of these fish. They need at least 15 gallons of water, when kept in an aquarium. They need the water temperature to be between 70F and 82F. Scuba divers are always in search of colorful and varied species of tropical fish. THIS COULD CHANGE YOUR LIFE AND GIVE YOU PEACE OF MIND

"How to Get Your Oscar Tropical Fish to Spawn"," But getting there takes a good pair of Oscars, a big enough tank, and a few ""homey"" touches to bring things all together. Oscar tropical fish are one of the most vivacious of the tropical fishes, and you will love their personality. I like glass ones as Oscar fish can be spectacularly rowdy, some even breaking glass heaters, and acrylic tanks can get clouded and scratched over time. The next thing you will need is fairly obvious, a good, high quality, mated pair of Oscars. Albinos should be bred to albino, tigers to tiger, and etcetera. Once the fry have hatched, watch the parents to make sure they are not eating the young. Once they fry get big enough to be easily seen, move them to a nursery tank and there you are, a whole batch of baby Oscar fish, ready to start life in a new aquarium. Tropical fish Oscars and other species take some time to get right, and it may not even be your fault, as a good breeding pair can be tough to find. Also, try to keep in mind that this is going to be a trial and error task, that you will learn with each attempt and very soon you will be a pro in no time at all. THIS COULD CHANGE YOUR LIFE AND GIVE YOU PEACE OF MIND

"Pet Fish Stores"," Common pet fishes and more. The real deal should offer you a whole array of aquatic animals that live not only in fish bowls and aquariums, but even in ponds. Some even carry frogs, shrimp, and crabs for ponds. You want your pet fish store to be your one-stop shop for all fish needs, especially food. There are vegetarian, omnivore and carnivore types. Do not buy large quantities of fish food because they tend to lose nutritional content over time. You also need to be able to buy prepared meat sources such as beef heart for your carnivorous Oscars, piranha and eels. Other essentials. If the store does not sell these, it should at least be able to order them for you. Fishes can actually be quite high-maintenance - they need as much time as you would devote to any other pet. . THIS COULD CHANGE YOUR LIFE AND GIVE YOU PEACE OF MIND

"Cichlid Care - Caring For African and American Cichlids"," If a few simple principles are followed, anyone can have a tank full of beautiful, colorful and happy African or New World Cichlids. Water chemistry, temperature and salinity are very important factors in keeping your cichlids thriving, healthy and happy. Africans generally need their water a little saltier than American varieties, so do your cichlid care research wisely. I have seen fellow aquarists get each species to survive while living in the same tank, but they simply cannot thrive with each other. Again, do your research wisely. Smaller varieties of cichlids, particularly the African varieties, need lots of nooks and shelters to hide in. I have found, after years of keeping and caring for Oscars, they will do quite well with drift wood. Angel Fish and Discus love a heartily planted aquarium. By the way, Discus are absolutely beautiful when they are happy and stress free.

"The Most Common Cichlids For Home Aquariums"," This is predominantly due to the fact that aquarium owners found them easy to feed, compact in size, easy to breed and their ability to care for the young ones even when they are captive. Only a few species that are stunningly beautiful are sought after by aquarium owners. Some of the popular and most common cichlids include - Angelfish (Pterophyllumscalare) - Due to its mild disposition, inquisitive nature, elegant and unique appearance, the angel fish that is predominantly found in the Essequibo, Orinoco and Amazon rivers in South America are one of the most popular among aquarium owners. Angelfish, the most common cichlids sought after by aquarium owners tolerate any water condition and are the easiest to feed. Being extremely tough and hardy, Oscar fish can tolerate high toxin levels and any water condition. If you want your Oscar fish to stay bright, colourful and healthy, it is recommended to feed them with a lot of live food. They are not choosy about the water conditions or food. For this, you must recreate their habitat with a lot of artificial caves and rocks. It is recommended to use external filtration for this cichlid type as they burrow into the substrate. This cichlid is very sociable and is one of the few varieties that live in large groups in their original habitat. Breeding tanks for discus fishes are very simple. In order to ensure that the eggs develop in a proper manner, keep the aquarium water soft. This cichlid species are easy to feed and breed and live for a long period of time. People love to keep Jack Dempsey's due to their vibrant colour. As they grow mature, they turn purple grey with green and blue highlights and golden specks. THIS COULD CHANGE YOUR LIFE AND GIVE YOU PEACE OF MIND
"General Fish Keeping Tips For All Tropical Fish Aquariums"," If you starting up and bringing home a fish for the kids, or even for your own aquarium, be sure to place your fish in it's new home pronto. Make sure your aquarium is completely set up and ready to go before you place your fish in it's new home. So I recommend placing the bag from the pet store into the aquarium and let it float so the fish can slowly adjust to the temperature of the water. When you think it's good to go then you can take the fish out of the pet shop bag and let it swim around in its new aquarium. Setting up your new fish Aquarium Is your aquarium ready for your new fish? Make sure it is properly sized for the fish type you plan to place in the fish tank. Try to keep your aquarium out of common household vulnerabilities, like direct sunlight. Decorations are always fun but remember to leave room for your fish to swim around. Live plants are good for the environment and are pleasing to the eye. With live plants at least you will be able to have stability when the roots grow into the gravel. in a range of 74-82 degrees for tropical fish groups and 68-72 degrees for goldfish groups. You need to be sure your fish tank is Stable! Fish tank components and accessories If your tank is not stable you risk the possibility of a leak or break. Do you have the right filter? You need to get a reliable filter. A thermometer and heater are key to maintain the right water temperature. Gravel hood/hatch heater reliable filter stand Feeding your Fish Have you overfed your fish only to find them floating on top of your fish tank? Just a pinch will do! Feed your fish twice daily, and if you have little guppies then they need to be feed more. If there are left over flakes, it's an indicator you need to cut back on the food. Meat eaters need some protein fish like shrimp, worms etc. Fish Families Usually fish can be categorized into families or communities based on there previous habitat. You don't want to put your tropical fish in the tank with an oscar would you? So make sure you know what community your fish belongs to. Goldfish/African Cichlids/South American Cichlids/Tropical Aggressive/& Tropical. How to clean your aquarium If you just purchased your fish tank then be sure to rotate about 1 tenth of the water supply every week. Make sure you are using some type of water conditioner when you are adding new water to the tank. So a dechlorinator is a wise choice for new water. A vacuum can help keep debris in the gravel. Test the ph balance of the water regularly to keep ammonia, nitrite/nitrate, hardness, alkalinity and chorine levels balanced. Signs your have a healthy fish It's obvious when you have a happy, healthy fish. Signs you have a sick fish. You may need to adjust the water, water filter, and chemicals in your aquarium to prevent your fish from getting sick. - They scrape their body on the rocks or rough surfaces - White stuff on or around the mouth - They may get Red Lines on their fins. Can you see them? - If your fish seems like it's having consistent gill spasms then you know it may be sick. When your fish is settled on the bottom of the tank. Speak with a specialist if you have any of these problems. Remember to always check with a specialist before caring for your fish yourself. THIS COULD CHANGE YOUR LIFE AND GIVE YOU PEACE OF MIND

"How Many Inches Have You Got?"," So for example a beginner (once the water chemistry is right) with a 20 gallon tank might get themselves 6 neon tetra, two mollies, two platys, 4 guppies, and a small Plecostomus. This is not just a problem with size. When crowded, fish exhibit stress patterns that result in: fish continuously hiding/missing feeding time poor colouring improper fin formation And, most importantly, slowly losing their inherent resistance to disease resulting in significantly shortened lifespan. So when sizing your own tank and species that you are wanting to keep - you have to bear in mind that one or two of the fish may wish to re-locate to another part of the tank, and your calculation sums must take that into account. THIS IS RUBBISH! Not doing partial water changes, having a poor maintenance regime and having very few plants LOWERS the number of fish you can keep. My experience is that if you add fish slowly and gradually, then you will have a happy and healthy group of fish - and remember safely bringing your tank's population up to the maximum load can take up to 6 months.

"Breeding Freshwater Tropical Fish"," If you have recently purchased a larger aquarium you should keep the smaller one and use it as a breeding tank. Using a breeding tank will isolate the breeding pair and protect the eggs and fish fry from being eaten by the other members of a community tank after spawning has occurred. Egg scattering fish do not exhibit signs of parental instinct. Aquarists frequently add floating plants to their breeding tank to hide the eggs from predation. Most fish eggs sink. Either way, it is advisable to remove the adults from the breeding tank after spawning. Breeding Live Bearers Guppies, mollies and swordtails are live bearing tropical fish. The best way to avoid this is by using a breeding trap. Breeding traps are typically transparent plastic containers comprised of two compartments. As the female gives birth the fry will drop through to the bottom compartment. The plastic piece that separates the breeding trap into two compartments can then be removed to give the fry more room to maneuver. But remember that they are in an isolated compartment for their own protection. Breeding and Brood Care Cichlids are unquestionably among the most popular freshwater tropical fish to exhibit parental instincts as part of the procreation process. Cichlids have varied and highly complex breeding habits all of which include advanced parental care. · Substrate brooders lay their eggs in the open. · Secretive cave brooders lay their eggs in caves, crevices, holes or abandoned mollusk shells. · Ovophile mouth brooders use their mouths as incubators during spawning. Free swimming fry may remain in the mouth's protective custody for several weeks before being released. After the eggs hatch, the larva is scooped up in the mouth to develop into fry. The male's duty is to stand guard over the female or their brood to protect them from predators. A breeding tank will alleviate the territorial squabbles that are certain to occur in a community tank and safeguard eggs and fry from predation. Both parents will assist their brood in foraging for food, teaching them the skills they will need to survive on their own. Parents and fry have actually been observed communicating during this learning process, both in the wild and in captivity. Cichlids are not the only freshwater tropical fish to demonstrate advanced parenting instinct as interregnal part of breeding. Cichlids were picked as general example of more advanced breeding instincts because of their immense popularity among freshwater aquarium owners. Liquid fry food, infusoria, or rotifers are among them. Some aquarium owners feed their fry hard boiled egg yolks that have been strained though a cloth or pulverized in a food processor. Whatever your choice, remember that fry are very small. Over feeding your fry will only serve to foul up your aquarium water. .
Breeding Freshwater Tropical Fish

"Bass Fishing Secrets - Hawaii!",""" But these ""puddles"" are literal angling gold mines as each is regulated unlike the larger ocean fishing grounds surrounding the islands. Many of us islanders grew up fishing for freshwater fare like tilapia which are plentiful in the brackish transitional waters where streams meet the ocean. But then, the array of fishing opportunities offered by the ocean pulled most of us to the sea leaving a relative few to continue into the finer aspects of freshwater fishing in Hawaii! Over the years, the diminutive yet steady community of freshwater fishing enthusiasts has resulted in more freshwater fishing venues being stocked offering the likes of bass, trout, and other fishing game to rival a number of places in the world that are ""noted"" for their bass opportunities! Bass fishing in Hawaii has even gotten to the level where there are guides you can hire to shortcut your path to the ""big one!"" The islands of Oahu and Kauai are the noted places for bass fishing in Hawaii. On Kauai, the reservoirs and streams of the Kokee State Park area which is also a favorite hangout. So, the secret is out. "" then quietly pack your fishing gear! .
Bass Fishing

"America's Top Five Reasons For Keeping a Fish Aquarium","org, ""fish are America's second most popular pet Since the world's first public aquarium opened up in 1853, fish aquariums' have become America's obsession.1. THERAPY. Purdue University researchers have proven this when they studied the impact of displaying tanks of brightly colored fish towards the behaviors and eating habits of Alzheimer patients. 2. With a hectic schedule and a huge amount of work to be done at home, school or in the office, who wouldn't be stressed out? But if you religiously stare into an aquarium, your blood pressure will lower down and your nerves will be calm down as well. When you go to your doctor or dentist, what do most of their waiting rooms have? They have aquariums which are intended to relieve the anxiety that patients have towards them. 3.TOOLS FOR KIDS. They're even a great way for helping your kids improve academically. Both parents and teachers can use fish aquariums to teach their kids to appreciate and take good care of nature. They also get to exercise their creativity as you let them help in setting up the aquarium. 4. Anybody's home or any other space will surely look beautiful when you use a fish aquarium as an embellishment. 5. Because fishes just swim in water, they don't make any sounds at all. We all know that fishes don't bark or meow, so they make great home pets! Pets are always considered to be man's companion. If you haven't, you should try setting up an aquarium now, so you can start experiencing the top five reasons why Americans are keeping fishes instead of dogs and cats. CAN YOU TRUST WHAT YOU ARE ABOUT TO SEE

"The Importance of Having a Fish Tank Filter"," Setting up the right filter can be a matter of life or death for the fish. If you're a newbie in this kind of hobby, you can opt to purchase a package which will include a tank, heater and filter. It will not hurt if you will do your own research to find out what type of filter will suit your fish's discriminating needs. It's also popular because it is very cost-effective. The sponge removes particles and this is referred to as mechanical filtration. External power filter is used to eliminate ammonia and to increase oxygen content. Another fish tank filter is the wet/dry or more popularly known as trickle filter. The tower is full of materials like bioballs that are intended for biological filtration. This filter is somewhat similar to a power filter however it allows the water to flow completely down past the filter while it exposes the filter elements to air. You can build your own version if you want. The filters available today are products of tedious research work to improve how we take care of our fish.

"Arowana Care: Different Shades of Gold"," One of the levels of grading golden arowanas is the Red Tail Golden (RTG) arowanas. However, the second and third rows of the scales give off a slightly purplish sheen. Another level, and the one that holds the most prestige, is the Full Scale Gold (FSG) arowana fish. Indeed, it does, with scales which may or may not give off a purplish sheen. Unlike the RTG arowanas, FSG arowanas have yellow-brown to solid gold pectoral and ventral fins. An enthusiast with an eye for an arowana fish might notice the difference, but a beginner couldn't tell an FSG from a High Back RTG. Also, two-thirds down the pectoral and ventral fins, the supposedly yellow-brown or golden coloration turns coppery, sometimes dark red. A fully-grown adult arowana fish has a formidable countenance often cloaked in bright colors, but it does not mean it began like that as well. In fact, they are so helpless that for the first five to six weeks, they have with them an egg sac, which provides them with food and nutrition. When they are old enough to lose their sacs, which is when the territoriality and aggressiveness kicks in while they look for themselves bugs and small aquatic animals to feed upon. In fact, it is very noticeable that it grows and does not seem to stop. Indeed, if one keeps on taking good care of the arowana, it will continue growing, given that there is enough room, food, and patience. In mating, the two fishes will swim in pair and find a spot to make a nest, usually from mud. It might be noted a fully grown arowana can reach close to 3 feet in length and 6 inches in height and needs at least a 100 gal tank. They love gold fish as a main food source which can get a little expensive.

"Fish Games That Can Be Played Online for Some Fishy Fun"," Just about all of us must have a minimum understanding about these technologies. Youngsters can be very much fond of animals, fish, water; flowers etc. However in this modern world it's very challenging to have direct connection with these things. So through the internet and on-line games your sons or daughters can see and know about these things now. I am sure that children will be thrilled to experience these types of games by observing fish, water as well as other wildlife in the sea. You will see many styles of fish video games available on internet. The vivid shades as well as animation will probably appeal to your kids to those fish free games. They're going to frequently ask you for a play. If your child is quite attracted to fishes you may be definitely in hardship to take care of sizable fish tanks. You must additionally bring completely new fishes for these types of fish tanks. You are able to safely allow your youngsters to spend time playing together with the various kinds of fish. He can be better confident and fearless to get connected to these kinds of pets or animals. These online games aren't developing a feel of dream but much more of certainty. But for children, it would be great fun. They help develop problem solving skills, visual skills and also teach kids to take care of fish and wildlife - something that the modern world desperately needs. Have fun playing them! .