"Wild Discus Fish Vs Man-Made Discus Fish"," Any time someone sees a discus tank for the first time, the reaction is almost identical. Most folks who know a little about aquaria will assume it is a saltwater tank because of the vibrant colors. (Well, there may be another species that is being contemplated now by scientists). That is the only place you will find discus spawning naturally. In nature, they do not interbreed for the most part. Of course, they have scientific names, but it's much easier to call them Brown, Blue, Green, or Heckel. But it, the Heckel, is also characterized by two colors, either blue or red. The demand for discus is huge. It is extremely relaxing to watch fish do their thing as they casually cruise around in your home aquarium. These domestic breeders have used selective breeding techniques to produce many different varieties of discus that have even more eye-catching colors and patterns. This fish is a solid striking yellow color, one that you would definitely not see in the wild. But all have the characteristic round, yet thin, body style. First, wild discus fish come from a totally different habitat than their domestic cousins. So, there may be some things the aquarium hobbyist must do to try to keep the tank suitable for the wild varieties. Finding the best variety of aquarium fish for you is really a matter of personal preference and personal education. . Make my day click here about oscars
"Fishing Accommodation, Hopkins River"," In the nearby town of Warnambool, you will find access to not only to the fishing sites but also to all of the accommodations needed by fishermen visiting the area. Warnambool offers you beautiful parks, gorgeous gardens and great places to visit such as shipwrecked boats and the delicious seafood at the areas restaurants. There is a really great pastime for the family of the fisherman, children will want to spend many hours watching the whales or going on one of the many tours. Another fishing accommodation Hopkins river also offers accommodations for the fishing community in the form of places to stay. Wherever you want to stay, Warnambool has everything you need. You may also enjoy the shopping choices, you will find that in South West Victoria that Warmambool is one of the top retail centers in the area. You can also check out the Central Business District, and spend the day checking out the shopping complex and having some thing to eat or kicking back and relaxing at one of the bars or the many nightclubs. If you are a beginning fisher or you have children there are some great fishing opportunities that are great for the beginner and designed to have maximum enjoyment, you will also find there are many types of recreational opportunities in other areas of fishing such as estuarine and saltwater types of fishing. . Make my day click below
Picking The Best Fish to Buy For Dinner
" Picking The Best Fish to Buy For Dinner"," From the many choices of delicious fish to buy, a little knowledge may be helpful to create a good fish meal. They are considered healthy for the heart due to its rich Omega-3 fatty, acids, amino acids and high quality proteins which are known necessary for optimum health benefits. The Journal of American Medicine Association has confirmed that eating a modest amount of salmon will cut the risk of primary cardiac arrest. It is one of the most popular and most available fish in the USA and the world. Those who have experienced a fresh-caught tuna know the difference between the taste of a canned tuna salad and a fresh-grilled tuna steak. Wahoo Wahoo is a beautiful pelagic fish best known to sports fishermen. Wahoo has a white delicate flesh that is highly regarded by many gourmets. The flanks can then be cut into steaks which will make delicious grilled, fried or smoked fish. Mahi-Mahi Another fast growing pelagic fish with mostly white meat that contains rich oil is Mahi-mahi. Mahi-mahi is popular in many restaurants, well-liked by gourmets for they make one of the most delicious grilled and smoked fish. Striped Bass Cooks have their own favorite masterpiece for cooking rockfish. Striped bass, or strippers are versatile. They make wonderful fish cakes and more, making them one of the most sought-after fish in the USA. Once the fish is home, it can be rinsed thoroughly and filleted. Black Sea Bass Black Sea Bass are excellent table fare. Black sea bass are regarded as a flavorful fish. This fish is always best when fresh as the fish do not freeze well. They are most seen along the Atlantic coast from New York to North Carolina. They are a high-value species of important food fish commercially in demand. Groupers are not chilled and are usually sold alive in the markets. Grouper is great when fried or grilled, and is excellent to use in soups. Its low-fat meat is naturally white with a neutral flavor. Tilapia farming is among the easiest and most profitable with fast increasing consumption that is now the fifth most popular seafood consumed in the United States. Make my day click HERE

"How to Select Beautiful Plants in Ponds"," Plants in and around the pond are very important. And they will beautify your pond so when you are relaxing at end of the day; they will please your eyes. Approximately, cover half of your pond surface area with the plants and the other area you should leave for fish to swim freely. Too many plants look bad and they will put the fish under stress also. While buying the plants, you should go with open mind. These are the terms used by scientists and experts in the field but you need not bother about them. The plants should be able to handle cold temperatures in the pond. Some plants will not be able to sustain if the temperature goes below 70° F. However, if you buy with proper knowledge, you will be saved from all future headaches. But there is something more to consider. These plants grow at the edges of the pond. These plants should be kept marginally in the water. They want sunshine to grow. There are typical pots available in the market which carry small holes in them. It is very convenient for the plants to take their roots through these holes. They will coordinate with the roots of other plants and that will provide a good stability to the entire plant structure against winds, pets and other enemies. If you make the small on-line research on the Internet you will be able to get useful information on specific fertilizers for particular plants. . YOU WILL NEVER KNOW UNLESS YOU CLICK HERE

"Aquarium Plants Are Important For an Aquarium Environment"," The reason is very simple. The fish feel safer and happy when they have places like plants to hide. The fish get a feel of security with caves and rocks also. The fish cannot eat the rocks! So the plants are inevitable choice in any aquarium. The fish may eat some of them or try to dig the roots. You can select plants which may not require anchorage in the gravel. You can also select plants which the fish are not likely to eat, as they may not like the taste! You can even select plants which are strong and growing fast so that they can tolerate such trouble. They will also improve the quality of water. The waste which is released by fish may be useful for the plants for their nutrition. However, remember that all this waste cannot be disposed off with the help of plants. Your responsibility is not over if you introduce plants in the aquarium and sit quiet. You should remove the unhealthy parts from the plants. The plants will produce oxygen which is required by the fish and they will take out carbon dioxide which is dissolved in the water. The plants will resist the growth of algae because both plants and algae will depend upon the same sources of nutrients. It is a common experience that many species of fish will not spawn in un-planted aquarium. Some will require plants to lay eggs on. They can take the shelter behind the plants. So when you have plants in the aquarium, they should get enough sunlight. Java fern and Java moss are considered good for the beginners because they are tough and survive in a wide range of hardness of water. The old plants will break off eventually and the new ones will develop on them. . Make my day click below
"Converting to a Planted Freshwater Tank"," Fish feel more at home amongst natural plants - they are more likely to lay eggs in their leaves, or for fry to take refuge in them. For most people, though, what is most important is what is most obvious: they look much better! They are the real deal, and an imitation just doesn't hold a candle to the real thing. 1) Get a book on planted aquariums. Books that are mostly photographs are very helpful for inspiration, but to gain a core knowledge you need to start with something like ""The Simple Guide to Planted Aquariums"" by Rhonda Wilson and Terry Ann Barber, or ""The Encyclopedia of Aquarium Plants"" by Peter Hiscock. probably. Stem plants do not root well in gravel. Their fine roots do best in sandy substrates. Another option is play sand, as long as it does not say ""Not for use in aquariums"" - Quickcrete is one popular brand. A name brand substrate such as Flourite or Eco Complete is best, but can be costly for larger tanks. you'll have a greater chance for success. However, you'll probably need to confine yourself to plants that do not need to be rooted in the substrate, such as floating plants (e. Amazon frogbit) epiphytes (e. Java fern, Anubias) mosses and liverworts (e. Java moss, Subwassertang) 3) Upgrade your lighting. A single fluorescent bulb is not going to grow very much, very well. Compact and energy efficient, it is rapidly becoming a favorite with planted as well as marine/reef hobbyists. If you are the least bit handy, DIY kits are available to convert standard aquarium hoods into more plant friendly options for lighting. research heavily before spending much money! 4) Settle on a fertilizer regimen, and stick to it. How much and what kind to use, depends on many factors - the types of plants in use, the density of the planting, the size of the tank, the amount of lighting, etc. Moderate lighting might be able to get away without CO2, although the plants will not grow as fast or as lush. Research online and find a liquid fertilizer and fertilizer regimen that works for you. An aquarium that previously had little or not algae, and was able to be controlled by a dwarf plecostomus, snail and/or otocinclus, may now be covered in numerous forums of the stuff! Algae is a nuisance, but it is also a helpful indicator of imbalance. Are the lights on too long? Are the bulbs the wrong spectrum? Have I added too much fertilizer? Am I not fertilizing enough? Do I have too few plants for the amount of lighting I have? These are the questions you need to present yourself when algae springs up. The exceptions are brown algae (really diatoms, and not an algae at all. These are not algae, but will still tell you something informative about the state of your tank. Water changes, water changes, water changes. They never hurt and sometimes help. There are numerous ones online, some dedicated to planted tanks, and others including a planted tank section within a larger forum. . Make my day click here NOW

"Plants Are True Friends of Aquarium Fish"," Many species of fish will not be able to reproduce in an aquarium without plants. Plants provide a sense of security to the fish. Here is some advice for you - 1. Plants require at least 14 hours of light every day. You should provide artificial lighting for some part of the night. There are some lights are available in the market which are specifically prepared for aquarium purposes. 2. Some of them come from your fish but they want something more. Fish waste is a natural fertilizer which is a good nutrient for the aquarium plants. There is a possibility of contamination of aquarium water due to the use of improper fertilizers. If you add fertilizers in moderate quantities, the plants we will be able to absorb the nutrients successfully. 3. Usually, plants are comfortable with the temperature range of 70-80° F. Usually pH level in the range of 7. 0 is considered good for the plants. When you go to a pet shop for buying plants, inspect them thoroughly. The plants should have firm leaves and solid roots. They are compatible with almost all species of freshwater fish. 5. You should rinse them thoroughly with treated water before you add them in the aquarium. Such plants may contaminate your water. You should select the younger plants because they can adjust to the environment of your aquarium quickly. However this is absolutely normal and nothing to worry about it. The maintenance of existing plants in the aquarium is vital. 8. Some of the snails are useful as they will clean the plants and eat algae. If you notice such snails, remove them manually from the aquarium. . Make my day click HERE

"Benefits of Live Aquarium Plants"," Including plants is just as important as ensuring you have the right temperature or type of water for your fish. Aeration: Fish breathe oxygen just like we do, only, obviously, they do it in a much different way. One, through the air and as a result there is a good oxygen concentration near the surface; and two, via plants. If you do not have live plants you will need an airstone and pump. Filtration: You will always need a filter in your aquarium and you will have to remove debris manually but plants can help with filtration as well. Plants are great to help A, B, C,with the removal of carbon and bacteria in the water. Fish Health: Fish get stressed out and have an innate need to hide. Some species of fish will prefer rocks or SpongeBob's Pineapple so make sure to check with your pet specialist or check on line to learn more about the preferences of your fish. Prevent Algae Build-Up Guess what? Algae and live plants absorb the same nutrients from the water, but live plants need more of it and absorb it faster thus winning the growth race. Keep in mind how much work this saves you now that you don't need to constantly scrap algae from the inside of your tank! Aesthetics: Live plants look better. Cautions: Although the benefits outweigh the cons, there are a few things to keep in mind before running out to purchase some new live aquarium plants. Plants need light in order to perform photosynthesis resulting in all those great benefits mentioned above. Finally, live plants are, well. You will need to pay attention to them, prune them back, remove dead leaves, etc. . Make my day click and look don't buy just look

"Why Plants for Freshwater Aquariums Are a Good Idea"," Freshwater aquarium plants have many benefits such as: they aerate the water; they are a food source; they provide protection; they filter the water; they can help to prevent algae, and they make the aquarium aesthetically pleasing. With enough plants in an aquarium an air stone and air pump are not needed because the live plants do this naturally. Live plants also act as a food source. This helps to keep the diets of the fish varied and healthy, because most fish are omnivores. Plants most notably provide protection for both adult and baby fish. Even matured adult fish can benefit from live plants tremendously. Without adequate plants and structures in the tank for fish to hide behind, they can easily become stressed and fall susceptible to a potentially threatening illness. These artificial devices filter the water by chemical, biological, and mechanical means. All that is required now is mechanical filtration. Many a tank owner has been baffled as they watch their tank be overrun by green, fuzzy algae. By placing live plants in one's aquarium one can greatly cut back on the amount of algae growing in their tank because live aquarium plants will compete against the algae, and ultimately win, for the nutrients in the water. Live plants make one's tank appear more like a fish's natural environment, compared to bright neon colored plants that may detract from the natural beauty of one's fish. Make my day click here

"Deciding on Artificial Or Real Plants in an Aquarium"," But things have changed thereafter. So what should be your choice? Experienced fish-keepers differ widely on this issue. But that is not the only reason. They also provide other benefits which are unmatched by artificial plants. During the day, they take carbon dioxide and give back oxygen in turn. But remember, the process reverses itself in the night! If you are planting heavily in your aquarium, the levels of carbon dioxide will rise. On live plants, bacterial groups are formed which are useful for breaking of wastes. In addition, if the plants start decaying and the waste is not removed, then such waste may be harmful for the fish. Fish cannot eat your artificial plants but live plants may be a good meal for them! This is good for some varieties of fish like herbivores. But you need to be careful about the look of plants in that case because if your fish continue to eat them, that will damage their appearance and in turn the appearance of the whole aquarium. They (artificial plants) are made with advanced and sophisticated techniques. They will not die; they will not grow and they will not become unattractive. They do not require sunlight as the live plants do. They will not bring with them any pests as they are artificial and water cannot have any effect on them. If your fish are eating the plants, you can consider the option of artificial plants so that you can keep the decorations intact. An aquarium can be equally beautiful with decorations of either live or artificial plants. . Make my day click here

"The 5 Best Fishing Places in the US"," We're willing to try out any body of water in the hopes of landing the big one. Following are the five locations that promise every fishing trip will be a dream for the real fishermen among us. Montauk Point is the home of New York's oldest lighthouse. Fish caught there: Marlin, Mackerel, Sharks, Cod, Weakfish, Tuna, and Striped Bass Yellowstone National Park is the second of the best fishing places in the US. What is lesser known is that Yellowstone (and the region around it) is home to some of the greatest Trout fishing an angler could imagine. Fish caught there: Trout Our rundown of the best fishing places in the US continues with Key West. Along with all the family amenities a tourist could expect, Key West boasts the kind of salt water fishing excitement that could tempt us all to pull up our roots and move there. Located in Missouri, the Ozark Mountains area is one of the truly relaxed vacation areas in the US. Abounding with fishable rivers, the Ozark Mountains area is somewhere an angler can hop in a canoe and discover paradise. Located on the coast of North Carolina, the Outer Banks is the perfect 'back to nature' vacation spot for a family or a fisherman looking to pull in as many fish as he can handle. During the month of November, the Outer Banks offers what is probably the most active, exciting fishing anywhere in the world. These locations, the best fishing places in the US should be on every fisherman's list. Make my day click here
"What is the Best Fishing Kayak?"," Fishing kayaks are corresponding in design to recreational sit-in and sit-on-top kayaks, but because fishing demands a greater degree of lateral stability mono-hull fishing kayaks are generally very wide (up to 36 inches beam) and frequently equipped with outriggers. Fishing Kayaks are altered to fish with additional accessories like pole holders, live wells, and fish finding equipment. Fishing kayaks are becoming a large part of the kayak family with many features that are found nowhere else! You can arrive at shallow fishing holes with a kayak that can't be reached any other way. If you love saltwater fishing, kayaks give you access to ocean fishing spots that you can't reach in a motorboat. To find the best fishing kayak look at all the options--hull types, including rotomold, kevlar, inflatable, etc. Consider joining a kayaking club and try their boats out first, if such a help is available, and ask for some instruction as to what you should be looking for when you go shopping for the best fishing kayak for you. Think about storage, rod holding solutions and sounder installation compatiability. . Make my day click here
"Best Fishing Time - When Should You Go Fishing To Catch The Most?"," For instance, if you want to go after bass fish, you'll need to go out at a different time than if you are to go after catfish, or some other kind of fish. However, here are some important tips to help you become an effective fisherman as quickly as possible. The Internet is a great resource for finding these fishing tips, because it provides an abundance of information on any topic in the world today. One of the great things about the Internet is that you can either subscribe to newsletters, read e books, it simply get tips about becoming a better fishermen very quickly from people who are already successful as fishermen. This way, you will not have to make all the same mistakes they made themselves when they were first starting out. If you don't do this, you'll have to go the hard way learning how to become a good fishermen. Of course, no matter what kind of fishing you're planning a doing, always make sure you talk to the locals beforehand to get some great fishing tips on the area. This way, you can find out the best fishing time in that particular location, the best places to go, lures to use, etc. While this next one might also be an obvious fishing tip, is extremely important, and unfortunately one that holds a lot of fishermen back. Even though some of the equipment is cheaper than others, by only focusing on the cheapest equipment, you'll rob yourself finding good fishing equipment that will help you dramatically improve. Fishing is certainly no exception. Once you know this, simply go out and purchase the same equipment for yourself. While I certainly can't give you the best fishing time, as this will depend on what kind of fish want to go after, remember that the key to success in anything you plan to do is to simply find someone whose already successful at it, and model their success. Make my day click here
"Learn What Is The Best Fish Oil For Health"," These types of fish tend to have higher concentrations of health enhancing omega 3 fatty acids, specifically EPA and DHA. Some of the best areas for deep sea fish are: certain waters of Alaska, some areas off the coast of Norway, and the cold waters off the Southern coast of New Zealand. In Alaska, there are some excellent choices such as Salmon. These are just a couple examples of some of the best fish oil for health. Molecular distillation is a process by which heavy metals and other contaminants and impurities are separates from the health enhancing fish oil. Therefore, the best fish oil for health needs to be: 1) molecularly distilled and 2) be produced from a species of fish that is naturally high in EPA and DHA. Recent studies are showing that DHA is actually more important for health than EPA, so make sure you read the labels carefully to see what the DHA and EPA breakdown is. The ones you have to be cautious about are the supplements that just tell you the total amount of Omega 3 fatty acids without telling you the DHA and EPA breakdown. . Make my day click here
"How to Choose The Best Fish Oil Supplements Available"," Also, not all fish oils are the same quality or purity. The basic process is as follows: fish are cut into pieces and cooked by steaming. The solid meat is processed into a meal that is usually used for animal feed. The remaining fish oil is, once again, processed to remove contaminants and impurities. That is the basic process, but what makes one manufacturer's process different or better than another? If you are going to use a supplement to provide your system with essential Omega-3 fatty acids from fish oil, shouldn't you use the best ones available? Remember, each phase of the refining process makes the final product more expensive. Therefore, the distance between where the fish was caught and where it is processed is very important. There are only a few places left on earth where the fish live in pristine waters free of contaminants and they are the coasts of Alaska, Norway and New Zealand. This can be a very expensive undertaking. The manufacturer should provide all this information. Now that we understand the manufacturing process, we need to understand what kind of fish would provide the very best quality oil for our Omega-3 supplement. Your best bet is to choose fish oil made from these fish. An additional example of the quality would be how many milligrams of the product does this supplement contain. You might want to determine the ratio of EPA and DHA contained in each capsule. Always do your homework and realize for your health you will need Omega-3 fatty acids not just fish oil. The product should come from the fish, not the heads or other parts of the fish that you would not want to eat. Molecular distillation is a process to remove contaminants from the fish. This is probably not the quality product you want to ingest into your body. An anti-oxidant such as vitamin E to prevent the fish oil from becoming rancid is vitally important to insure that you will not be ingesting a rancid product that could cause the very heart problems and chronic ailments that people are trying to avoid with this supplement. You are only asking for trouble and saving a few dollars is not worth the risk of endangering your health. You owe it to your health to use only the best and your body deserves only the best. Omega-3 fish oil supplements could be the best thing you could ever do for your health. Make my day click HERE

"Best Fishing Gifts - The Top 3 Trout Fishing Gifts"," However, I have learned a tip that makes this process much easier for anyone who is interested is burying a fishing gift. The term ""fishing"" is an arbitrary term that really doesn't mean much to people who consider themselves to be fishermen and is too broad a term to focus on when looking for a gift. This means that when looking for the best fishing gifts you want to focus on the style of fishing that the gift receiver enjoys most and proceed from there. A New Fishing Rod - Anyone who spends time fishing for trout would love a new fishing rod and thus a new fishing rod makes a great fishing gift. ultralight. A ""Combo"" Kit - a "" is a combination of various things that trout fishermen use when they are on the water. There are many of these types of kits available from various retailers, but the point is that ""combo kits make wonderful trout fishing gifts for the person who enjoys fishing for trout. while they are fishing. Whether the person that you are buying the gift for already has a fishing vest or is just in need of a new one a new vest is always a great gift idea for trout fishermen. . Make my day click HERE