How to Get Your Oscar Tropical Fish to Spawn
"How to Get Your Oscar Tropical Fish to Spawn"," But getting there takes a good pair of Oscars, a big enough tank, and a few ""homey"" touches to bring things all together. Oscar tropical fish are one of the most vivacious of the tropical fishes, and you will love their personality. I like glass ones as Oscar fish can be spectacularly rowdy, some even breaking glass heaters, and acrylic tanks can get clouded and scratched over time. The next thing you will need is fairly obvious, a good, high quality, mated pair of Oscars. Albinos should be bred to albino, tigers to tiger, and etcetera. Once the fry have hatched, watch the parents to make sure they are not eating the young. Once they fry get big enough to be easily seen, move them to a nursery tank and there you are, a whole batch of baby Oscar fish, ready to start life in a new aquarium. Tropical fish Oscars and other species take some time to get right, and it may not even be your fault, as a good breeding pair can be tough to find. Also, try to keep in mind that this is going to be a trial and error task, that you will learn with each attempt and very soon you will be a pro in no time at all. THIS COULD CHANGE YOUR LIFE AND GIVE YOU PEACE OF MIND

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