"General Fish Keeping Tips For All Tropical Fish Aquariums"
"General Fish Keeping Tips For All Tropical Fish Aquariums"," If you starting up and bringing home a fish for the kids, or even for your own aquarium, be sure to place your fish in it's new home pronto. Make sure your aquarium is completely set up and ready to go before you place your fish in it's new home. So I recommend placing the bag from the pet store into the aquarium and let it float so the fish can slowly adjust to the temperature of the water. When you think it's good to go then you can take the fish out of the pet shop bag and let it swim around in its new aquarium. Setting up your new fish Aquarium Is your aquarium ready for your new fish? Make sure it is properly sized for the fish type you plan to place in the fish tank. Try to keep your aquarium out of common household vulnerabilities, like direct sunlight. Decorations are always fun but remember to leave room for your fish to swim around. Live plants are good for the environment and are pleasing to the eye. With live plants at least you will be able to have stability when the roots grow into the gravel. in a range of 74-82 degrees for tropical fish groups and 68-72 degrees for goldfish groups. You need to be sure your fish tank is Stable! Fish tank components and accessories If your tank is not stable you risk the possibility of a leak or break. Do you have the right filter? You need to get a reliable filter. A thermometer and heater are key to maintain the right water temperature. Gravel hood/hatch heater reliable filter stand Feeding your Fish Have you overfed your fish only to find them floating on top of your fish tank? Just a pinch will do! Feed your fish twice daily, and if you have little guppies then they need to be feed more. If there are left over flakes, it's an indicator you need to cut back on the food. Meat eaters need some protein fish like shrimp, worms etc. Fish Families Usually fish can be categorized into families or communities based on there previous habitat. You don't want to put your tropical fish in the tank with an oscar would you? So make sure you know what community your fish belongs to. Goldfish/African Cichlids/South American Cichlids/Tropical Aggressive/& Tropical. How to clean your aquarium If you just purchased your fish tank then be sure to rotate about 1 tenth of the water supply every week. Make sure you are using some type of water conditioner when you are adding new water to the tank. So a dechlorinator is a wise choice for new water. A vacuum can help keep debris in the gravel. Test the ph balance of the water regularly to keep ammonia, nitrite/nitrate, hardness, alkalinity and chorine levels balanced. Signs your have a healthy fish It's obvious when you have a happy, healthy fish. Signs you have a sick fish. You may need to adjust the water, water filter, and chemicals in your aquarium to prevent your fish from getting sick. - They scrape their body on the rocks or rough surfaces - White stuff on or around the mouth - They may get Red Lines on their fins. Can you see them? - If your fish seems like it's having consistent gill spasms then you know it may be sick. When your fish is settled on the bottom of the tank. Speak with a specialist if you have any of these problems. Remember to always check with a specialist before caring for your fish yourself. THIS COULD CHANGE YOUR LIFE AND GIVE YOU PEACE OF MIND

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