"Types of Tropical Fish"
"Types of Tropical Fish"," These fish are classified under two categories, the salt water and the fresh water fish. Suitable for rearing in aquariums, tropical fish are imported by people from various countries. The type of tropical fishes range from very aggressive ones to some mild species. Let's take a look at some of these tropical fish species. Since the oscar fish is aggressive and likes to dominate other fishes, having less than six fishes in a single aquarium gives an opportunity for a strong oscar fish to bully others. This helps in reducing the tension between them. The large plecostomus and the whitetip sharks share space with the oscar fish without fighting or nipping at each other. The angelfish, which originated in the Amazon river basin of South America, has three different species, Pterophyllum altum, Pterophyllum leopoldi and the Pterophyllum scalare. This, in turn, helps them to prey on macroinvertebrates and smaller fishes. The stripes help the fish to hide, thereby acting as a camouflage. Thus, more than six fishes should be reared in an aquarium. It lives in clear as well as dark waters, mostly off coasts of Columbia, Brazil and Peru. Tiger Barb: The tiger barb, also known as the Sumatra barb, is found in the waters of Sumatra, Borneo and the Malay peninsula. The tiger barb, that is brownish yellow in color, has black vertical stripes on the body and is a schooling fish. Thus, more than six tigers barbs should be kept in an aquarium. It produces a weak electric charge. 0 and 8. When fully grown, the fish needs a tank with a capacity of at least 75 gallons. Fancy Guppies: The fancy guppies exhibit different colors such as red, blue, green and black. The temperature of the aquarium should be maintained between 78F and 82F. Adding salt to the aquarium in little quantities, helps in the growth of these fish. They need at least 15 gallons of water, when kept in an aquarium. They need the water temperature to be between 70F and 82F. Scuba divers are always in search of colorful and varied species of tropical fish. THIS COULD CHANGE YOUR LIFE AND GIVE YOU PEACE OF MIND

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