"Tips on Ocsars Care and Breeding"
"Tips on Ocsars Care and Breeding"," They can be found in the Peru, Venezuela, Columbia, French Guiana, and the Amazon River basin. This family includes, angelfish, discus and African cichlids. So the actual number of species belonging to the cichlid family is unclear. Oscars are among the largest species of the cichlid family. 5 lbs. Selective breeding has produced a number of ornamental oscars bred specially for aquarists. The variety with mainly red coloration is typically sold under the trade name, red oscar. This is a highly marketable trait. They are aware that another world exists outside of their aquatic environment. Oscars will often rise to the surface when their owners are in the room. They have even been known to enjoy being petted. You can fed them tropical fish flakes when they are small. As they grow, their dietary needs become more substantial. They won't be there in the morning. They have been reported to lie on their sides mimicking death in order to induce their prey to draw closer. Oscars are commonly kept in mono-species tanks. 2. They will develop health problems if the are not. They will uproot plants from the aquarium substrate. Oscar Spawning Oscars are strictly monogamous. Oscars, like most cichlids, will clean flat surface to deposit their eggs on. In laymen's terms this means; Once the eggs are hatched they will burrow a shallow pit to keep the eggs in. The fry will hatch about 36 hours after fertilization. Oscar fry can be fed rotifers, newly hatched brine shrimp, powdered eggs, or finely crushed fish flakes. THIS COULD CHANGE YOUR LIFE AND GIVE YOU PEACE OF MIND
Ocsars Care, breeding

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