"The Most Common Cichlids For Home Aquariums"
"The Most Common Cichlids For Home Aquariums"," This is predominantly due to the fact that aquarium owners found them easy to feed, compact in size, easy to breed and their ability to care for the young ones even when they are captive. Only a few species that are stunningly beautiful are sought after by aquarium owners. Some of the popular and most common cichlids include - Angelfish (Pterophyllumscalare) - Due to its mild disposition, inquisitive nature, elegant and unique appearance, the angel fish that is predominantly found in the Essequibo, Orinoco and Amazon rivers in South America are one of the most popular among aquarium owners. Angelfish, the most common cichlids sought after by aquarium owners tolerate any water condition and are the easiest to feed. Being extremely tough and hardy, Oscar fish can tolerate high toxin levels and any water condition. If you want your Oscar fish to stay bright, colourful and healthy, it is recommended to feed them with a lot of live food. They are not choosy about the water conditions or food. For this, you must recreate their habitat with a lot of artificial caves and rocks. It is recommended to use external filtration for this cichlid type as they burrow into the substrate. This cichlid is very sociable and is one of the few varieties that live in large groups in their original habitat. Breeding tanks for discus fishes are very simple. In order to ensure that the eggs develop in a proper manner, keep the aquarium water soft. This cichlid species are easy to feed and breed and live for a long period of time. People love to keep Jack Dempsey's due to their vibrant colour. As they grow mature, they turn purple grey with green and blue highlights and golden specks. THIS COULD CHANGE YOUR LIFE

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