"Keeping Fish Pets - What's Best For Kids?"
"Keeping Fish Pets - What's Best For Kids?"," It teaches them responsibility and appreciation for living creatures. Fishes are enjoyable pets to keep. There are also duties involved like feeding your pets on time, regular cleaning of tanks, and like any other pets that could get sick, ill fishes could require greater care. Fishes ideal as pets for kids, and the very ones advised for beginning aquarist, are the ones known to be hardy. They might be long-lived and easy to care for, but keeping them in a fishbowl wouldn't last them long. Kois may be easier appreciated by adults, but these fishes are tough and only require the simplest daily care regimen. Its low waste output helps water maintenance quite easy. There is a long list of fishes that makes suitable pets for kids but probably no other fish can charm their owner as much as the Oscar can. Its loving, charming, funny and cute personality traits earned its reputation as an all-time favourite of many aquarists. What your kids would probably love most about this fish is its intelligence. But okay, sweet as they are, Oscars have their aggressive side too. Careful selection of tankmates for your Oscar would help your child even successfully keep a community tank. Many have made success with putting Oscar together with PLecos, Dempseys, Scavenger fishes, Tiger loaches and certain species of catfish. Your Oscar may even get bullied if you keep it with more aggressive or larger-sized fishes. THIS COULD CHANGE YOUR LIFE AND GIVE YOU PEACE OF MIND

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