"Why Do People Keep Fish As Pets?"," They do not need your company.
You do not need to train them.
Fish can be fed once daily, or if you need to go away for the weekend, you can get slow release food that will last a couple of days.
Fish are silent, so the neighbours will not complain about the noise.
Fish will not cover your clothes and furniture in loose hair.
At the end of a stressful day, there is nothing more relaxing than sitting back watching fish gracefully floating through the crystal water.
Their food does not cost much and one container lasts for months.
Compared to the cost of a cat or dog, this is very cheap.
You can buy larger tanks, pumps, filters, heaters, plants and decorations.
There are plenty of different ways to enhance your fish keeping experience, if you choose to get more involved.
You can learn a lot from the internet but the best knowledge comes from people who keep the fish themselves.
Maybe you would be interested in joining a club.
Visit people who keep large tanks of exotic fish.
The ones I like best are the natural ones.
If you prefer a fun look, there are plenty of ornaments you can arrange to make an interesting scene.
Keeping fish can be a rewarding and interesting hobby.
They are also very beautiful creatures.
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