"Mollies Are Great Freshwater Tropical Fish For The Home Aquarium"," They are very easy to breed and it is fairly easy to distinguish the males from the females.
It is recommended that Mollies be placed in aquariums containing at least 15 gallons of water, a maximum of ¼ inch of gravel, and a heater that keeps the temperature of the water between 78 and 82 degrees Fahrenheit.
Unique to the Mollies species of fish, they can actually live quite well in complete salt water aquariums as well.
Once considered a difficult fish to care for, the Mollies are now being seen as indicator fish as they will be the first fish to provide signs that the aquarium is unbalanced or the water is contaminated.
The best diet for Mollies includes feeding them floating flake food and freeze dried bloodworms on a daily basis, with a few Black Worms fed every other day.
The list of compatible fish is fairly long and Mollies can share the tank with several varieties of fish.
As with any fish, you will need to have adequate room in the tank as well as a good filtration system.
When introducing Mollies to your tank, be sure you keep them in the bag that you received them and and float that in the fish tank for about 20 minutes to let the water temperature slowly match that of the tank. Then let a little water into the bag, let sit a few minutes.
Repeat this last step a few times so that your fish can become acclimate to the water in it's new home before you release them into the tank.

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