"Secrets For Tropical Fish Care"," The tank must be vacuumed at least once every two weeks. Once a year you should completely start over. Aeration in your tank is crucial for having enough oxygen for your fish. You should have at least one device for a 10-20 gallon tank and two for a tank that is larger than 30 gallons. Turn the lights out at night so they can sleep. Feeding fish doesn't have to be boring. Find out if your fish are insectivores, carnivores, herbivores, omnivores. There is four groups of fish food. Be careful with the live food because they can carry diseases that can infect your fish. Algae growth can completely take over your fish tank in no time. When buying fish for your tank for the first time be sure to buy hardy fish. There is three different types of filters for aquariums. The under gravel filter is a good option.

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