"Discus Fish Books - A ""Discus Fish Secrets"" Review"," It is currently the #1 ebook available for the keeping and breeding of discus fish.
This book is a complete step-by-step guide to caring for, raising, and breeding discus fish, and is full of practical advice to help you to raise happy and healthy pets.
Rob has kept and bred these animals for more than 10 years, and has substantial first hand knowledge of what works and what doesn't.
The manual also discusses what foods are best, how much they should be fed, and how often.
Rob discusses how to tell when your discus are ready to breed, gives several common mistakes to avoid when breeding, and even how to care and raise fry into strong adults.
You will learn how to artificially raise fry away from their parents so that the eggs aren't eaten by the adults.
And finally, if you live in hard water areas, Rob has an all natural way to reduce hardness.
It contains practical advice and information from an experienced expert who has organized everything for you in one place.
This book is a complete step-by-step guide to caring for, raising, and breeding discus fish, and is full of practical advice to help you to raise happy and healthy pets.
Rob has kept and bred these animals for more than 10 years, and has substantial first hand knowledge of what works and what doesn't.
The manual also discusses what foods are best, how much they should be fed, and how often.
Rob discusses how to tell when your discus are ready to breed, gives several common mistakes to avoid when breeding, and even how to care and raise fry into strong adults.
You will learn how to artificially raise fry away from their parents so that the eggs aren't eaten by the adults.
And finally, if you live in hard water areas, Rob has an all natural way to reduce hardness.
It contains practical advice and information from an experienced expert who has organized everything for you in one place.

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