"Picking Out The Best Types Of Freshwater Aquarium Fish"," Deciding whether you want to have a saltwater or freshwater aquarium is the first step. There are two types of fish from which to choose, coldwater and tropical. Some of the more popular types of freshwater fish for coldwater tanks are goldfish, koi and some of the tetra fish species. These colorful and beautiful fish need a heated aquarium to survive and therefore cost a little more to maintain, but the sheer beauty of some of them make the expense worthwhile. If you choose to add more mature fish as you become more established, that's fine as long as your aquarium has had time to stabilize. The types of freshwater fish for the tropical tank should be hardy and able to withstand variations and fluctuations of ammonia and nitrite as your aquarium becomes established. Some recommendations for the types of to start off your tropical tank with include Tetras, Danios, Barbs or Cichlids. Danios are an excellent type of freshwater fish. Barbs are a good choice of tropical fish for the beginner although you have to be careful about the fish you put them in with as they can a bit temperamental and nip the slower moving fish. As there are countless types of freshwater aquarium fish from which to choose each with their own behavior patterns, it is always a good idea to take the advice of a professional before making your choices. FOR MORE INFORMATION CHECK THIS OUT

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