"Freshwater and Saltwater Tropical Fish"," The term tropical fish refer to only those requiring fresh water. They are imported from their native waters as well as domestically bred. How do you decide which one is best for? An important factor while purchasing it, is the color. It is very easy to see if it is sick, most of sick fish just don't eat. Sick fish with Cloudy Eye disease or fin rot disease for example are easy to notice check your future animal, its skin, behavior and its vitality. A high percentage of people do not take the time to read, learn and study up on the hobby before getting started. The third rule is to remember to maintain your fish tank on a regular basis. There is also the attraction that once the tank is up and running the required effort needed to keep tropical fish is relatively low, in-fact there is hardly any restriction to ones normal life. One advantage of keeping and/or raising tropical fish is the large international community that shares your interest. Critical part while you acclimate your new fish is to not feed them for at least 24 hours and preferably 48 hours. Tropical marine fish enjoy their temperature a little bit warmer at 80 to 82 degrees Fahrenheit (26C). Tropical fish tanks have to be constantly monitored for presence of harmful bacteria, fungi, and algae. . more info can be found here look and learn

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