"Tropical Fish Tanks - Planning and Setup"," The good news is that the tropical fish are among the easiest to maintain.
The first thing is the tank itself.
Different fish have different space requirements so talk to the pet store staff to be sure you get what you really want.
You don't want to end up with an overcrowded tank the first time a momma fish gives birth.
The rule of thumb is one pound of gravel per gallon of water.
Don't place it in the main walkway of your home unless it is well secured and out of the way.
Although thick glass is not easy to break with normal accidents, one crack could be tragic if left to its own.
This is why it is important to have a safe place for your fish to live and to do regular inspections for any potential problems, fixing anything wrong as soon as possible.
Some are aggressive, some are passive, some eat others and some run away and hide, some live a short time and others live for many years.
Sometimes the size is important too, certain large fish will eat anything small enough to swallow so keep that in mind as well.
You'll need some basic tools but there are also other gadgets you can get that will make it easier to maintain your water-world.
The environment of your new fish-world
Learning what to do should something bad enter the environment and how to determine that is important.
You must have a biological filter to keep the water clear of contaminants but you should also learn what to look for that could cause problems so you can head them off before they become serious.
These can destroy the entire environment if left unhanded.
These can be signs of illness or another need in your tank so check the water immediately for problems.
You should have on hand chemicals necessary to remove chlorine, chloramines and ammonia from water as well as pH raising and lowering chemicals and, of course, a test kit.
With a little planning and learning what influences your little fish friends you can have a fun and relaxing time with your tropical fish tanks because when you get the hang of one you will want another!

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