"Oranda Goldfish Care Guide"," This fascinating growth is called a ""wen"".
For larger Oranda, this can lead to some sight impairment as well as swimming issues.
Tank Requirements:
Oranda goldfish can grow to be 8-12" in length.
Because of this size it is recommended that in order to provide adequate Oranda Goldfish Care you should have a tank of at least 20-30 gallons.
Another important part of Oranda goldfish care is water aeration.
To keep your fish happy and healthy it is best to have a tank with good surface area exposed to air.
If you see your fish tends to hang around the top of the water this could be a sign of oxygen deprivation.
Tanks for this fish should also provide adequate filtration.
It is recommended to keep a filter that runs 10x the aquarium volume per hour.
Tank mates:
it is a very awkward and slow swimmer for a fish.
It is also advisable to keep aquarium decorations that are smooth and avoid any sharp edges that an Oranda could cut itself on.
Another important part of Oranda goldfish care is water aeration.
To keep your fish happy and healthy it is best to have a tank with good surface area exposed to air.
If you see your fish tends to hang around the top of the water this could be a sign of oxygen deprivation.
Breeding Oranda:
Oranda goldfish are egg layers.
Once the eggs are laid the goldfish's parenting duties are over.
This can be very difficult to decipher as the both sexes are very similar.
A good LFS might be able to vent the fish at time of purchase.
These beautiful fish can live to be over 20 years old!

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