"Discus Fish Tank - Tips For Tank Selection",You want the very best and most comfortable place you can possibly get.
A proper discus fish tank is essential to the success of your new fish community.
They are some of the prima donnas of the fish world.
They may even "check out" on you if conditions are not right.
The guideline is that you will need about 10 gallons per discus.
Somehow, this works really well, much better than 3, 4 or 5.
Another tip - don't get a smaller tank because you are starting with juvenile fish.
Next decision: decide what material you would like.
Glass is the most widely used material.
The first advantage is the price.
Another advantage of glass is the availability.
One disadvantage of glass is that it can be scratched.
It can't be "erased" by buffing, which is possible with an acrylic material.
Not impossible, but if you need a hole for your filter setup, this could be an issue.
The first advantage of acrylic is the flexibility in design.
Acrylic is also safer than glass (and lighter, too).
The major disadvantage of acrylic is the price.
Tip - avoid plastic if at all possible.
These decisions need to be made before you obtain your discus fish.
Because you will want your tank all set up with water that is in good condition and ready to receive its new inhabitants.
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